Judy listened to Michael. She began to fall asleep as she was tried. Judy was hoping that they could have a family together but she was also hoping that they could still spend time together. Judy was feeling calm as she stayed by Michael. Judy began to have a dream about their future but this time, the dream did not seem to be weird to Judy. Judy remain asleep until the morning sun shine on her face. Judy woke up and look at Michael and smiled softly. She was happy that he was still there.
Michael's eyes cracked open and he let out a loud yawn before turning his head to Judy. "Good morning my lovely wife." He said, looking at himself and noticing that he was human once again. Yeah that all checks out. Funny how I've been a werewolf seven months and I haven't let the sun change me back until now. I guess the moon powers me more than I once thought. He let out a sigh for a brief moment before wrapping his arms around Judy once again and pulled her into a kiss. "Last night was wonderful Judy. I didn't want it to ever end." He said, lying in the soft grass beside her. "Just you, me and the moon. I felt at peace."
Judy look at him and said "Good monring my handsome husband. We can always have another night like last night if you wanted. I mean it was peaceful and relaxing." She was hoping that he would not be mad at her for saying that. She kiss him back and felt happy again. Judy said "I felt at peace last night and I did not want it to end also." She felt relax as she was hoping that they could have another night like last night. Judy kept her eyes on Michael as she was waiting for his answer.
"Sounds like a plan my dear." He replied, giving her a few more kisses before getting up and stretching. "Well, as much fun as this was, I think it's time we head back to the pack so that they don't begin to worry for us. Besides, I'm looking forward to hunting with you today." Michael added, offering her a hand to help her get up and a smile across his face. He was happy... not just for himself and the pack, but also for having Judy as his wife. And with any luck, their first child would be on the way soon enough.
Judy listened to him and said "Alright. Lets go to the pack now." She gave him her hand and she stood up as she was happy. Judy look at him and gave him a hug. Judy ask "If I do become pregnant. Do you want a boy or girl? Or do you want the baby just to be healthy?" She wanted to know his answer as she wanted to know if he wanted a boy or girl first. Judy was very much calm and relax as she kept looking at Michael.
Michael helped her up and began walking back with her, hand in hand, when Judy asked him about the baby. "Boy or girl..." He had to take several steps in silence to think about an answer to that question. "I would like a boy, but at the end of the day I just want you and the baby to be happy and healthy." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek as they walked, a smile on his face and happy thoughts dancing in his mind. Being a father... that's quite a leap in one's life. But... I do have not only the pack to help me out, but I also have Judy. I think we'll be fine.
Judy was listening as she was walking by his side. Judy smiled as she said "I have a feeling that we are going to have baby boys." She only hope that if she did become pregnant that nothing bad would happen. Judy knew that the pack would be more than happy to help keep them safe but she was unsure of something but she was not sure of what it could be. She knew that Humphrey was still in jail which was a good thing as she did not want to deal with him or the pain that he had caused. Judy stayed by Michael as she was thinking about something.
Michael grinned when Judy said that she felt like she would have baby boys, and he wrapped an arm around her as they walked back to the pack. Eventually he saw the pack buildings and a few of the pack members waved to them as they walked back to theie house. "In any case, I just want you to be happy. And I sure that you'll begin rocking a baby bump soon enough." He said, adding a chuckle before giving her another kiss on the lips and getting a few things in order before walking to the door. "Whenever you're ready, why don't we go on that hunt?"
Judy listened to Michael and said "I am ready to go on that hunt now if you wanted to go now." She knew that she would have to take it easy if she did start showing a baby bump. She knew that Michael could help the pack with anything but she was unsure of how everyone would react if she did show that she was pregnant. She knew that Bobby would be happy and protective of the baby but she was unsure still. Judy kissed Michael back and smiled as she was staying by his side still.
"Alright then. Let's get going." Michael smiled at Judy and nodded and let her go in front of him before he shut the door behind him. "So, is there any animal in mind you want to hunt today or do you merely want to just see what we can find?" He asked her, hand in hand and smile not moving from his face any time soon. The realization of marriage was sinking in now, and he couldn't be happier. Everything was perfect for him, and nothing was going to ruin his mood.