
Judy did the same as Michael did and she smiled happily at him as she knew that he had got them right. Judy knew that Michael would be a wonderful father in the future. Judy look at Michael again and felt relax as she was waiting for the next part. Abraham and Bobby were smiling as they were watching with the rest of the pack. Judy knew that she made the right choice when she said yes to marrying Michael. {Michael did not mix them.}

Michael smiled happily upon realizing that he did not mix the two up and he was getting excited. After seeing the two perform their parts correctly the minisiter continued with the ceremony. "Now that they have shown not only to each other but to the whole pack that they no longer have fear abou this decision, we will hear the oaths that they will swear to one another. Michael, give your oath to Judy now." Michael nodded at the minister and looked at Judy. "Judy... when I first came into the pack I was angry and confused about how my life was turned upside down after that one fateful night, but you were with me to help me figure things out and you stayed by my side, and I can't be more grateful for that. You are an incredible Alpha for the pack, a great friend for those who know you well, and now... a loving and caring wife for me. Judy you make me incredibly happy and I promise to you I will be a loving and caring mate for you until our final breath, no matter how good or bad things are. Judy, I love you, and with this oath I promise to be your mate until the end." He took a breath and nodded to the minister. "Now Judy will give her oath to Michael." He spoke, looking at her and awaiting her oath to him.

Judy listened to Michael. She said "Michael, From the first moment that I met you. I felt happy to have someone new in the pack. I am greatful that you are my friend and now my wonderful husband. You are an amazing friend towards everyone. I am lucky that I have you in my life and I promise that no matter what happens between us or what will happen in the future. I will always be here for you. Michael, I love you too and I promise to be a wonderful wife towards you. With this oath, I promise to be your mate until the end." She look at him and she was still scared as she was hoping that her oath would be good but she was still having fears. Judy was trying to remain calm.

Michael smiled warmly at Judy's oath, his heart skipping another beat. "Now that the two have exchanged their oaths to one another, does anyone within the pack have objections to these two beinging bonded from this night onwards?" Silence from those in attendance. "Very well. Michael?" Michael looked at the minister for several seconds before realizing what to do. He held Judy's hands and looked into her eyes. "Michael, Judy, by the power vested in me and the blessing of the moon, I now pronounce you mates." Michael nodded licked Judy's face playfully two times before leaning in for a proper kiss, wrapping his arms around her for good measure. It was a bit odd with him not being in his human form during the kiss, but he didn't care. He and Judy were together now, and no one could say otherwise.

Judy kissed him back and she was feeling happy. She knew that she had finally found the love of her life. Judy said "I love you Michael." She look at him as she was hoping that he was happy. Judy was feeling relax as she was thankful that they were finally together. Judy was feeling calm and she was feeling more happy. Judy kissed him again as she was hoping that they could finally be happy together. Judy began to look back at him as she could hear the pack cheering. Judy whispered "This means you are now the alpha male." She hope that he was ok with being the alpha male now.

Michael knew that he was now the Alpha Male, but he didn't mind the responsibility that came with it. "I think I'll be fine with that." The pack aplauded the two and the minister raised another paw to quiet them down. "Now the two will go out into the night under the guidance of the moon to begin their lives together." Michael nodded at the minister and began walking off into the woods with Judy, hand in hand as he walked her towards a particular spot of his: the place where he and Judy had their first date.

Judy followed him and felt more happy since they finally became mates. Judy look up at Michael and said "I am glad that we are finally mates Michael. Now we just have to plan for the future." She was hoping that her dream did mean something about their future together but she was unsure if Michael wanted to have a kids now and she was not going to ask. She knew that they were going to have to wait since she wanted to make sure that everything would be ok before they had kids. Judy look at the trees and smiled happily.

Michael continued to walk with Judy until they reached the spot where they held their first date. He found a soft spot on a hill and lied down, patting the ground next to him in wanting Judy to lie next to him. "It's just you, me and the moon. I never thought I would be here in all my life, but now that I am here, I am the happiest werewolf in the world." He said, looking up at the moon with a smile on his face.

Judy listened to him and laid down by him. Judy said "Same here Michael. I feel lucky that you became my mate and now we have time together for ourselves." She look at the moon also and felt happy. She knew that she had made the right chose of becoming mates with Michael. She said "I wonder what our future will bring." She smiled more as she felt relax and safe again.

"Yeah... I wonder what the future brings." Michael repeated, wrapping his arms around Judy and looking into her eyes before licking her face playfully. "You have really soft fur." He whispered, cuddling with her and enjoying the warmth she had. She's so beautiful, even as a werewolf. I know I made the right choice by marrying her. He sighed, content with what he had in the moment and content with having Judy close to him. Michael peeked up at the sky before looking back down at his mate. "So Judy, when do you think we should have kids?" He asked her, running his fingers along her back as he talked.