Mark was smiling as he said "I will go out the rest of the stuff away." He put the food away for Andrea and put the baby stuff in the baby's room as he was not sure when the baby would be born but he was not worried about it as he knew that she would probably let him know when she wanted to go to the hospital. Mark had prepared the bag that they would need for the baby. Mark was not sure what she was going to do but he was going to help her with anything. Mark finished putting everything away and Mark went downstairs to see if she needed his help.
"Alright," Andrea said as she got dinner started for them as he put the things away. Andrea hummed a little as she cooked as it was soothing for her and heard Mark come downstairs. By the time he did, dinner was ready and she put it on the plates and set them on the kitchen island. Andrea said that his favorite meal was ready and sat down with him to eat. She had been having Braxton Hicks for the last 2 weeks, but they weren't terrible so she was able to handle them but she had told Mark about them so she knew how she was feeling. She also had lower back pain too, but took some pain medication that she knew was safe for the baby, though she knew once she had actual contractions then she couldn't take pain medication at all in order not to hurt the baby besides the epidural they give to women at the hospital if she asked for it. Andrea sat down and began to eat with him.
Mark began to eat and he listened to her as he was hoping to help with everything. Mark said that he would help her with everything that she wanted him to do. Mark look at her as he was thankful that he had her in life and he went back to eating. Mark was not sure what Braxton Hicks was but he knew that he would have to look it up as he wanted to understand it. (Sorry it's short.)
Andrea smiled as she was glad he was in her life. She finished her dinner quickly and sat and waited for Mark to finish. When he did she put their dishes in the dishwasher and then went to their bedroom and she wanted to lie down as her back was bothering her. She was happy though to be with Mark and to have him in her life. Andrea put her pyjamas on laid down in bed with her pregnancy body pillow as it was comfortable for her and safer for the baby as Andrea was a side sleeper to begin with. Then she just wait under the covers for Mark to join her.
Mark went to their room and he was began to change into his pajamas as he was tried. Mark began to lay down under the covers and he was smiling softly as he knew that he was a light sleeper just in case Andrea needed him to get up in the middle of the night. Mark was laying on his side facing Andrea as he wanted to see her when he did wake up in the morning. Mark said "I love you Andrea."
Andrea saw Mark come in and put his pyjamas on and join her in bed. She smiled as she felt calm and relaxed and safe because he was there with her. Charlie slept out in the living room at night to watch the house. "I love you too. Goodnight, love," Andrea said to Mark in response to him saying that he loves her. She knew he was a light sleeper so if she needed him then she could let him know. Andrea eventually fell asleep and slept through the entire night without any issues or actual contractions. "Morning," Andrea said softly to Mark in the morning as she was already awake and got out of her body pillow to snuggle up to Mark for a little bit.
Mark said "morning beautiful lady." Mark was happy to see Andrea as he was feeling happy about something. Mark said "I love you my beautiful Queen and you are amazing." Mark wanted to make sure that Andrea knew that she meant a lot to Mark and nothing would ever change that. Mark kissed her cheek as he was feeling relax and he was looking at her. Mark was smiling as he was feeling calm. (Sorry it's short.)
"Hi, love. I love you too. You are also amazing," Andrea said as she smiled at him as he kissed her cheek. She was happy to be with him and loved that he was so nice and kind to her and willing to help her with anything. "Nothing happend last night so it's still a waiting game with Sky," Andrea mentioned as she felt nothing but the baby moving.
Mark said "well I hope everything is okay with Sky since she has not yet been born. I wonder what she is doing." Mark could see Sky moving and he said "Sky, I need you to be in the world already. I can't have a mini partner in crime if she is staying inside the belly." Mark was hoping that Sky would be born okay as he was not wanting thing bad to happen to her or Andrea. Mark knew that he would stay with her for as long as she wanted him to.
"The doctor said that Sky was still doing good, so I guess there's nothing else to do but wait for now. If it gets too late then they'll have to induce labor, but we're not at that point yet," Andrea explained to Mark before he started to talk to Sky. Andrea smiled as she enjoyed listening to Mark talk to their baby and couldn't wait till Sky was with them in their arms. "What would you like for breakfast?" Andrea asked Mark after he finished talking to Sky.