Judy listened to him as she was dancing with him. Judy said "I have everything that I want." She was feeling happy that they were dancing. Judy kept looking at Michael as she was thinking *This is all I wanted. Speading time with him.* She was smiling as she was feeling relax and she was hoping that they could keep dancing since she did not want the moment to end.
"Well... I guess it would be really hard to get you something if you have everything you want." He said, a sly grin on his face as he took the moment to part her hair back so he could look at her better. The two continued to dance, regardless of what else the pack might think of them in that moment. "I guess I don't have two left feet after all." He said after a few minutes of dancing. "Either that or you're a great dancing partner."
Judy smiled as she listened to him. Judy said "You are a good dancer partner." She look at him happily. Jud was calm as she was unsure of what was going to happen next but she was hoping that the future would be good for the pack. Judy kissed Michael on his cheek. She was relaxing as she was feeling safe with Michael there. Judy ask "What are we going to do now after the party?" She was unsure of what was going to happen.
Michael's cheeks burned red when Judy kissed him on the cheek, but he didn't mind the kiss at all during the dance. "I'm not sure what we should do afterward. Maybe we can go for a quiet walk away from the rest of the pack." Michael truly had no idea what to do after the party, but a calming walk after a party could help her out and drive away any nerves that the two might have. "I'm glad you think I'm a good dancer." He added on.
Judy listened to him and said "A quiet walk would be nice. I mean this way, we can talk to each other without getting distracted by the music." She smiled as she was looking at him. She added "You are a better dancer than I am." She was hoping that the walk would help her with thinking about everything had happened during the years until now. She was feeling happiness again almost like she was finally happy that the pack finally move forward without fear.
"Okay. After the party we go on that walk... and thanks for telling me that I'm a good dancer." He said, continuing the party and truly enjoying the moments he had with her. His heart continue to burn for Judy and his eyes were filled with love towards her. (Sorry it's short.)
Judy smiled and said "Alright. You are welcome." She was feeling love for Michael but she was unsure of how to she was going to say it towards him. She was hoping that she could finally tell him that she love him. She look up at him more and kissed his cheek again. {Its ok. Sorry mine is short.}
Michael grinned as she kissed her on the cheek before giving her a proper kiss in return. He stopped his dance to look at her and work up the courage to say "You know what Judy? I think I love you... a lot." He stopped the dance and gave her a hug. "I hope nothing ever happens to the pack, because the idea of being by your side sounds pretty good right now." He whispered to her, planting a kiss on her cheek.
Judy said "I love you too Michael." She gave him a hug back. She look at him as she was blushing. She whispered "Having you with me and helping me with everything. I feel lucky." She was feeling happy as she was telling the truth. She knew that he would be a better alpha male than Humphrey. Judy kissed him on the lips and said "You are the best Michael." She look at him again.
Michael grinned like an idiot after all was said and done, his cheeks apple red from Judy's compliments. "You really know how to make a guy special Judy." He told her, enjoying the hug for just a few more seconds before breaking away. "Why don't we continue on with the party and we go for that little walk afterwards?" He asked her, not wanting to keep the Alpha away from all of the pack since she was their leader and the party was for her. (Want to skip to the walk?)