Mark listened to her as he was not hugging her back. Mark sighed as he listened to her and he felt even worse. Mark said "I would have not let that bullet kill me. I just wanted to keep you safe but I can't even do that. It makes me feel worse than before." He kept having tears rolling down his face as he felt even worse as he said "I could have lost you and our baby Andrea." He look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next as he was not wanting to be on a plane anymore. Mark wanted to hide from everyone.
Andrea saw he wasn't hugging her back and he was starting to raise his voice again as he felt worse than before. "I was just trying to help but I made things worse. I'm sorry. I'll shut up now," Andrea said softly as she let go and went back to not looking at him as she felt bad that she made things worse with him. Andrea crossed her arms over her crossed legs and kept her head down as she didn't want to continue making things worse with him. Andrea stayed quiet for a while as they still had 5 hours left on their flight home.
Mark felt even worse now and he said "I am a bad husband." He turn to look at the window as tears were rolling down his face. Mark felt he was the worst husband ever and he knew that he could not forgive himself at all. Mark said "I am still going to climb a tree now." He began to hide his face as he was crying. Mark was not wanting to show his face at all. Mark said "I am sorry I am bad husband." He stayed looking out of the window as he was hating himself.
"All I wanted was to make you happy and I couldn't do that. You kept fighting against it. Those girls should've never came over in the first place. Actually, I should've never been crying in the first place. I should've not said anything and kept my mouth shut like the good little girl my father told me to be. I'm weak and vulnerable and when I open up to you, that's how you protect me. But I damaged our relationship and it's all my fault. I should've just kept my mouth shut instead of trying to make things better because I just make things worse," Andrea said through her tears. Charlie tried to put his head on her lap again and she told him no again and she put her knees up to her chest to hide herself as she put her head down on her arms, which were crossed on top of her knees.
Mark put his finger on her chin and made her look at him. Mark said "first of all your father was wrong. You are not weak and vulnerable like you think you are. You are strong. Even one is weak and vulnerable it's me. I am glad that you open up to me but sometimes I want to prove that I can protect you but it hurts when I can't. I wanted to prove that I could protect our baby but I can't do that." He turn to look away from her since he felt like he did enough damage. Mark said "I am the one who damaged our relationship. I know that I would never get the chance to take a bullet for you or our baby. But it's okay." He look at the ground.
"I never wanted you to take a bullet for me. I wanted you to be safe because I need you and I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you. I was scared and didn't want my nightmare to come true. That's why I protected you. I'm sorry that I did though as it made you mad and upset," Andrea explained as she looked at him with tears falling down her face. She then turned away again and put her head down again as she just wanted him to be happy, but she didn't know how as she didn't want to get yelled at again for trying and failing.
Mark said Andrea, you never will loose me. I promise that I will always stay with you no matter what was going to happen next. I don't want to loose you." He look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next. Mark was hoping that everything would be okay. Mark put an arm around her and he pull her into a hug. Mark said I love you Andrea. I just did not want anything bad to happen to you or or baby." He kissed her cheek as he was not wanting her to be sad. Mark said "you are amazing wife Andrea. I am thankful to have you in my life."
"I love you too, Mark. That's why I didn't want anything bad to happen to you either," Andrea answered back as she looked at him with falling tears. After their 5 hours were up, they were finally back in L.A. Andrea got up with Mark and Charlie and walked off the plane and over to where their suitcases were and grabbed them. "I want to make an appointment at some point today to see how far along I am in my pregnancy and what the baby's gender is," Andrea mentioned to Mark as they got home around lunch time, so she had plenty of time to do it. Andrea and Mark got in their car that was still parked at the airport and it was just the way they left it. Andrea set down her suitcase by the trunk as she knew she wasn't supposed to be lifting heavy things due to her wound and also being pregnant. "Can you help me, please?" Andrea asked Mark as she looked over at him.
Mark said "alright." He knew that he would let her check up on the baby. Mark helped Andrea out her suitcase inside the truck of the car. Mark said "there we go." He turn to look at her as he was making sure that she was not going to hurt by the truck door as he did not want her anymore pain. Mark said "when we get home. I am taking a nap." He was tried still but he was pretending to be okay as he wanted her to be happy about being back in L.A. Mark look at her as he was calm.
Andrea smiled a little as she was happy he was helping her, but she could still see the sadness in him. "Thank you," Andrea said to Mark before hearing that he was going to take a nap when they got home. "I'll drive then to give you some extra time to sleep," Andrea answered back as she wanted him to be happy and stress/worry free. Andrea looked at him as she awaited his complaint that he didn't want her to get hurt by driving and that he'd drive them home.