
The past few weeks had been great, yes Addilyn was constantly worried about running into Jason on job, but after the past two times she wasn't really worried. Her superiors just thought that she'd finally met a villain that was her equal, as it seemed all heroes had at least one villain that they never beat but also never lost against. So they weren't concerned. Silent Shadow was soon back on the news again, doing her good deeds and being a badass hero blah blah blah. Addilyn was just happy that everything was finally going back to normal. Tam was adjusting well to life with Addilyn as well, and it was a relief to come home to the happy dog after a long day. Of course, just when her life was settling back into its rhythm, some big villain fight was going on, and of course Addilyn was sent on the mission. She was happy to find out that Indigo Spirit would be the one leading the mission. Apparently it had just started out as a simple robbery but the villains were just not giving up. Indigo Spirit briefed Addilyn and Bronze Fist as they made their way there. The three were the assigned backup, Indigo Spirit could transform into fog at will and danger intuition, being able to do both meant she could protect herself from danger, as you can't really harm fog, but it also meant that she could mildly control air, meaning she could send almost anyone flying into a wall. Bronze fist was self explanatory, he was just really stongm stronger than most. Indigo Spirit was kind and very smart, Addilyn enjoyed working with her. So she was not worried at all when they ran into the danger, trying their best to turn the tides of the heroes obvious losing streak. Silent Shadow meanwhile, slipped into the shadows, completely invisible as normal. She silenced herself as well, though she doubted anyone would be able to hear her over the shouts. She surveyed the fight, and inwardly groaned, of course Jason had to be here. She would avoid fighting him at all costs, and hoped that he wouldn't be captured or something horrible like that. Addilyn slipped behind the villains, being careful not to touch a single person, and then, pulled out her gun, and shot someone in the foot. She didn't wait as she slammed into him and pushed him away from the fight. Sure, he was a pretty massive guy, but she could take him on easy. Hopefully.

Jason saw out of the corner of his eye one of the villains - a large guy who could project spears out of his body and use them to fight - go stumbling back without anything seeming to have hit him. He groaned out loud and took out his frustration on the fast guy, taking out a knife and running forward to stab him in the arm then kick him away. Sadly, the combined stupidity of the other villains and the power brought by the new heroes created a turning point, and all of the sudden, two other villains were down, so it was two villains against five heroes, since Jason had taken down fast guy. That's when it took an even worse turn. Jason had started to run around the rooftop, still with the speed of the other hero and two other heroes at his feet, trying to give himself a moment to think. He could probably just leave, but then the other villains would be definitely at the mercy of the heroes, and that would not be good for his street cred to be the villain that ditched the scene. Then, he heard the laughter. The two heroes following him also heard it and turned towards the sound, and he say the heads of the others also turn and look. There, perched on a taller roof, was a lead figure in skintight black leather - a woman, with five other people behind her. They all had similar outfits, with variances to accommodate their powers. The woman in front called out, "Ha! You call this a fight? The villains AND heroes here are pathetic. This will be an easy win. She jumped down, and electricity sparked at her fingertips. Her gang followed quickly after, fanning out, "Well?" She glanced back at her group, "Attack them. The news will soon hear about the new Villains in town - the ones who are going to soon rule this pathetic city, and eventually, the world. - - - since marina is never used to seen in this rp, imma turn her into this female villain, and include her gangs powers and names and stuff, w basic descriptions. i'll do it tomorrow, probably))

Addilyn was busy staying invisible and taking down the villains as quickly and as silently as she could. As time past, and the villains were losing by the looks of it, concern filled her, Jason was still here and might get captured. She ignored him for now, if anything she could figure out a way to let him escape. Addilyn and Indigo Spirit were working on taking down the other villain when the laughter grabbed their attention. Eventually everyone stopped to turn and stare at the new villains, big, new ones by the looks of it. Addilyn remained in her invisible form, to shocked to just pull out her gun and shoot the woman on the spot. If she hadn't been caught so off guard she probably would've been able to end it all right there. But like an idiot, she froze and stared as the new woman called them pathetic. Addilyn and the other heroes with her were well-known, but not the best of the best. They definitely couldn't beat villains of this caliber, but they had to try she supposed. It took Addilyn a moment to gather herself, luckily she hadn't given her position away just yet so she should still be able to sneak up on them as her plans normally would be. The leader seemed the most powerful, and dangerous. So it would be best to stay away from her and attack the other villains first. At least that's what Addilyn hoped. She also needed to keep herself hidden, her invisibility was the only thing that could protect her and without it, she was only fists and guns. Her cover of darkness was the most vital part of her hero identity. WIthout it, she'd be ordinary Harvey sighed, Marina's villain monologue was so... dramatic. Sure, they were supposed to be the big bad guys or whatever, but did she really have to make the whole speech? Harvey wasn't sure, but what she did know was that not all the heroes here were visible. She had been watching the fight earlier, and she knew that some hero was invisible, the signs told it all. Of course, Harvey was prepared for this sort of situation, she had x-ray goggles. She would be able to see everything, and while everyone beat up all the visible people, she would be fighting some hiding coward. Probably not a coward, just a really smart, sneaky hero. The fight began and Harvey immediately tapped the small device above her ear, fancy glasses appearing on her face. So maybe she'd wanted to make the goggles a little more appealing to the eyes and made them into really nice silver glasses but that wasn't the point, she could see the hero, sneaking up on Carla, preparing to shoot her leg it seemed. No way was that going to happen. Addilyn was minding her own business, about to take down a villain, when a small woman came into her view, and she was looking dead at Addilyn. A small device in her hand, Addilyn was about to shoot the leap frog woman when her hand was frozen in place by some sort of stunning device that the small woman had been holding. Her hand didn't hurt of anything, but her gun had clattered to the ground and she couldn't move her hands at all. "You didn't really think we wouldn't notice you were here right?" The smaller woman's voice startled Addilyn, she knew Addilyn was here. Her cover was blown Julian stuck with Marina, protecting her sides and back. Harvey had alerted him to the presence of an invisible hero, so he was being very wary about that.

Once Marina was done with her talking, she immediately shot out an electric blast at the person nearest to her. It wasn't super strong, but stunned him enough to not be a worry for that moment. (i imagine julian would tell marina there was an invisible person) Julian had warned her of there being someone who was invisible, and after watching Harvey look straight into the sky, figured she would have that under control. If she didn't, Carla was also nearby to help. Sky stayed higher up, where he could watch what was going on. The first thing he did was send tornados to take the already injured villains and heroes and wisk they away. Marina had told them all the plan beforehand - try not to kill anyone unless necessary, as they wanted their presence to become known. That couldn't happen if everyone died. So, he sent those people off, and disbanded their air prisons a ways away - where they couldn't bother them, and would survive. If they didn't, Sky didn't see a huge issue. Rick was also near him, as Sky's power could leave him vulnerable to attacks when he was focused on long distance things. A hero had seen the tornadoes come from Sky, and was charging over looking very scary, but Rick did a flying kick into the other guys chest, all while saying confusing commands, "Turn around, sit down, walk away," He fumbled, so a hero that might be difficult to defeat for Rick, who wasn't the strongest, although he could fight, went down easy, and moments later, was thrown away from him by a tornado. The two with their long range fighting normally worked together like this: Sky managing the field as a whole and helping where he was needed and taking out those he could, while Rick kept enemies from getting too close. - Jason was slightly behind the hero who was charging at the lead woman, and was thankful he was a few moments later when she shocked him. He wasn't sure if this would work, and could be putting himself in danger, but then again, when wasn't he in danger? Trying to sneak around wouldn't work, as there was a guy who stuck by her side looking a lot like what he would like to be doing with Addilyn. So, he simply sprinted straight at them, and, as expected, she shot an electric blast at him. Jason prayed it would work, and shot out his hand to catch the shock, activating his energy absorbtion powers. The electricity sunk into his palms, and he was hit with a burst of energy. The woman looked just as surprised as Jason did, but there was no time. He recovered a second before she did, and grabbed his sword and swung with all of his might towards her torso. The woman was determined not to be taken down that easily, though, and grabbed a long knife from... somewhere... and caught his sword on its blade. They wrestled for a moment, but ultimately Jason was stronger, and she knew it. "Boulder!" She yelled, right before ducking down into a roll and away from his sword.

Harvey watched as the other woman's bones twitched. Technically, Harvey couldn't actually see her face, just her bone structure. So she couldn't see the face the woman was making, but she could guess that it was one of surprise. "Time to get out of that little shell of yours, time for your grand reveal!" Harvey's voice was all happy and sweet, confusing the other woman enough for Harvey to slap a metal bracelet looking object onto the woman's wrist. Addilyn didn't have to look down at her body to know she was visible again, her powers having been turned off by the bracelet the other woman had slammed onto her left wrist. Somehow, she'd figured out how to make Addilyn's powers shut off by this metal band. "Ohhh, you're Silent Shadow, I heard about you! You're climbing the ranks like crazy in the hero community. I can't believe I got you of all people! That's crazy huh? Me, a new villain, exposing a hero of your caliber wow I-" Addilyn interrupted the oddly talkative villain with a quick kick to her torso. The villain looked startled as she fell and hit the ground hard. Addilyn used the moment to try and grab a knife from one of her many pockets. Her fingers were barely starting to work again, and the knife started to slip from her grasp, when a metal tentacle looking thinking grabbed it as it fell. The crazy talkative villain seemed to be controlling the thing as the knife returned to her. "Nuh uh, I wasn't done talking yet, that was awfully rude." Addilyn scowled, the villain was officially pissing her off. Boulder was just about to give the finishing blow to the hero who transformed into fog when Marina called him over. He glanced over his shoulder, and quickly knocked the hero out before rushing over. He activated his power quickly, and brought out a long, wickedly curved knife. He didn't quite know what this new guy's power was, but he knew to be careful. Boulder quickly took Marina's place, not wanting the other man to go after her more than he already had. He caught the man's sword with his knife, pushing him back the best he could with his added strength.

Jason grunted at the brute strength the other man had. He supposed it had something to do with the guy literally being made of stone. Boulder, if he heard the leader correctly, was wickedly strong. They were the kind of people Jason would have preferred to work with rather than the other idiots. When the new people arrived the other still standing villain had vanished. The annoyance at his supposed teammates kicked in, and Jason remembered - he didn't have to fight honorably. He was not a hero. Jason knew he couldn't overwhelm the other man, but gave a huge heave of strength to push the other back slightly, and, praying to not run into the knife, Jason bent down and tackled the other guy around his torso, knocking them both back. Jason, now having Boulder's power, turned to stone just in time to avoid being fried by an electric shock from Marina. It turned back to his squishy human form when something caught his eye - Addilyn. And that wasn't a good thing. She was not supposed to be visable. Hoping the leader and Boulder were shocked enough to not immediately go after him, Jason rolled off Boulder, and sprinted, not bothering to grab his sword. He charged the crazy villain who was facing off with Addilyn and full on tackled her like he had with Boulder. Except this time, he was the stone.

Boulder fell over a little to easily, his powers making him to slow to try and either stop the fall or dodge the attack. This guy, a slightly known villain, was good. A little to good for Julian's liking, he could be a serious threat in the future if he continued to side with the heroes. Julian was only just recovering when the other guy got off and bolted for Harvey. He didn't have time to warm her though and he could only watch as she fell. Addilyn was not having a good time. She was trying her best to fight the slightly smaller woman in front of her, using her elbows and legs as much as she could. Unfortunately, without any weapon, movement of her hand, or just her powers, the fight, if you could even call it that, was going poorly. The tentacle arms were not cool. There were 2, they were hard when hit and hurt like hell when they blocked Addilyn's attacks. The other woman seemed to be concentrating intently, her brows furrowed. Gone was the earlier humor, now she was intent on trying to knock Addilyn out, and it would've worked too. Addilyn had sustained multiple hits, actual, bone jarring hits from the metal grabber tentacle things. Needless to say, it hurt like hell. That's when Jason, like the idiot he was, tackled the small woman. He seemed to have the other guy's power on, because when he slammed into the other woman, one of the tentacles broke off. Addilyn's fingers were numb, but she could move them decentlt enough. She snatched up the grab-y end of the thing, and slid it under the metal bracelet, pushing the metal down until the bracelet snapped off. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she flickered into her invisible mode again and snatched up her gun off the floor. Her ribs ached and she was pretty sure she'd possibly broken one. Doing her best to ignore that, she thought up a plan. She knew Jason could take care of himself, especially against the pip squeak she'd been fighting before, so she didn't worry about him as she snuck around, dodging weird, sharp flying disks and gunfire. She quickly took cover behind some sort of AC system that was sitting on top of the roof, and aimed for the lead lady, she didn't quite know if this would work but she could sure as hell try. This fight had to finish eventually. Julian had gotten up and was defending Marina, as per normal, when he saw the slightest movement from the AC unit. He didn't think as he jumped between the path of the Ac unit and Marina, switching to his rock form halfway. A loud crack sounded through the air and he felt the impact of the bullet in his left arm almost immediately. Harvey was pissed. For absolutely no reason whatsoever, Silent Shadow was being frusturatingly difficult to knock out. She was practically as fast as Harvey's new pretty inventions! The little mechanical arms were so cool and responded to her brain and tiny movements made by her actual hands. Harvey couldn't believe that this slightly taller woman was dodging the attacks so well. Of course everything had to go even worse when a boulder crashed into her. She released a soft cry of pain as she hit the ground hard. Harvey didn't even have time to tell her gadgets to push the villain off, because he'd broken one. She was definitely pissed. Carla glanced over and Harvey shook her head, if she got involved she might get hurt due to the villain's exact copy of Julian's power. Harvey was pretty sure she felt at least one rib crack on impact and her pink finger was definitely broken. She couldn't even tell how many of her inventions had made it through the fall. "Get off me you big oaf!" Harvey struggled, but winced in pain as her ribs and aching legs screamed in protest.

Marina hadn't even realized what had happened until she heard the bullet hit. Immediately, Marina spun to face Julian, "Shit, J-Boulder! What just happened-" She prayed it hadn't cracked him. It shouldn't, if it was a normal gun, and he was fully energized, but she didn't know if it was something that had been tricked up, and how exhausted Julian's power source was. Crap. Jason now had the smaller woman's power - not Boulder's protective stone. He couldn't let them know that, though. So, he stood up and wrestled the other girl up with him, making sure to keep her hands away from her gadgets, "I would maybe find it offensive to be called an oaf, but I did just full on stone tackle you. Sorry about that." At least Jason knew her power now - building and inventing. He couldn't do much with that currently, but it was good to be able to classify and profile the new villains. "Yo!" His voice echoed, and the people still fighting turned slightly. He could see the two people on the roof pale when they saw who he had. Marina turned from Julian, and managed to keep her face calm, although she couldn't hide the flash of worry that flitted across her face for a moment, "What?" She snapped at the person who had Harvey, and attacked her and Julian. The guy raised his eyebrow, and looked stupidly calm considering what was going on, "Well, I obviously have one o-" his head snapped around as someone on the roof moved, "I wouldn't recommend that." The movement stopped instantly, "Anyways. I have one of your crew members. I'll let her go and won't harm her if you walk away from this one fight."

Although Julian hadn't cracked anything, he'd definitely damaged something. He wouldn't find out till he returned to his regular, fleshy form. If anything, despite the pain, he looked absolutely pissed. The stupid invisible hero had shot him, and almost had gotten Marina at the same time. If the hero had shot Marina, Julian couldn't even handle that train of thoughts. She was okay, that's what mattered. "I'm fine, just banged up I think." He frowned as he glanced over at the AC unit, he was pretty sure whoever it was had moved, otherwise he would storm over there and beat the crap out of them with no remorse. Addilyn had moved, closer actually, she was fully prepared to knock out freaky jumping lady, who was to busy trying to beat the crap out of another hero to notice Addilyn's sneaky movements. Everything stopped though when Jason yelled and brought all the attention to himself, like an absolute idiot. Even the big boss lady was staring him down, Addilyn didn't even know who to aim her gun at now. The person that moved only a fraction of a step was the one Addilyn put her gun on, just in case they decided to pull something. Nobody was going to lay a finger on Jason, even if he was just asking for it with the threat. Harvey struggled slightly, but knew that she was no match for this guys strength, even without the boulder thing on. Harvey sighed, her eyes rolling as he caught everyone's attention. She spoke softly under her breath, "of course I'm the captive. Freaking Leap Frog could be a much better hostage but no, it's me. Damn this tiny body." She was definitely pissed that is was her that was captured, but hopefully he wouldn't kill her or something. That would definitely suck.

Jason muffled a laugh, and tried to retain his serious expression, "Do we have a deal?" The leader looked from the Boulder guy to Jason's captive and sighed, "Alright. It's a deal." Jason nodded, "Okay. Now - everyone in your group, get five buildings away from here, then I'll let her go." She looked like she was about to protest, so Jason went on, "If I let her go now, you guys could easily start fighting us again. I promise to keep my word." It probably didn't mean much coming from a villain, but it was something. The leader narrowed her eyes at him, "Fine. But if anything happens to Mechanic, my team will come and kill everyone here. If you didn't notice, we were holding back so there wouldn't be death on this rooftop today." Jason nodded, and the four villains left, with the leader waving to the jumping girl to take the tall stone man. - (mb they are only like 2 rooftops away when the heroes jump on jason and try to grab harvey too, but he ducks down and pushes her away, so she get cam away, and he gets caught. bc jason is going to keep his word)