
Gelida watched carefully, studdying the aggressively territorial male ahead. Her ears were the only thing on her small body that didnt tuck or stand submissively. Her ears stayed perked forwards, strained and focused on the brute. Apologetic was what she was going for. But she didnt want him to take that as her allowing him to step all over her. Her tail gave a flick tucked between her legs as she thought on the words and tone he used. ''you inroaded into my motherland,'' His tone and stance seemed as if he wanted a fight. like he actually longed to hurt someone. as if he was hungry for it. She found him unsettling with his crazed reaction, but she was also lightly irritated, disgusted even in his character. One ear flicked bacck as her muzzle wrinkled lightly. As merikh nudged her back behind him her mind started racing. Her paws began to itch again. itching to flee. As they backed up, she saw how the male just inched forwards, stalking closer, waiting his chance for a lunge. she didnt want merikh to suffer yet another wound. Her muzzle tightened as her lips pealed back, reveiling her thorny thin teeth that gleamed threateningly. submission wasnt working. she had to try something else. her hackles rose, fur standing all along her back as her tail stretched out, head lowering as she snarled, her golden gaze blazed like flames. If worse came to worse, she had to be ready, even if it meant getting a little dirty. ''we should run,''her ear flicked towards him but her gaze stayed locked unblinkingly to the brute as she spoke lowly, "you should get a start then. Ill keep him busy. Im sure I can run circles around this guy. Youll need a head start."


The small fae's metallic tinted fur bristled along her spine, paws itching to bolt but she had a duty to uphold. she had to keep merikh unscathed by this evil brute if her only friend was to survive. Her ears were places straight, errect;y forward facing. observing just as closely as her bright blazing gaze boiling with ferocious intent. at least, that was how she meant it to look, despite her small stature. Gaze locked, claws anchored to the ground, head low in a protective stance, her muzzle twitched into a wrinkle as she snarled in the most hair raisingly aggressive way she could, tail swishing behind with ill intent as her gaze stayed locked to brute, fangs gleaming like freshly sharpened blades, ready for a purpose. She could feel her heart beat thudding in her ears as she was fully prepared for what she was about to do. something shed likely never do again if she could avoid it. As merikh finally took off she took the chance to dart forwards, lunging at the strangers shoulder as she flashed by him, successfully inflicting a small wound, enough to enrage the brute, hoping that it would entice him to follow her instead of merikh. her paws beat the ground in fast pitterpatters as she ran a wide circle, making enough distance so she could see out of the corner of her eye on whether or not the beastly male was following in pursuit.