"Mira," he repeated, double checking to see if he was pronouncing it properly. It was a nice name, one he hadn't heard before. It suited her, he wasn't sure why or how, but it did. If she told him her name was Emma, or.. or Beatrice, he wouldn't have believed her, but Mira? It worked.
His eyes had returned to her notebook, noticing the vines that had formed from the soft lines she had drawn up earlier. Huh, when did she do that? Blinking, he turned his attention back onto her, his dark eyes watching her as she spoke. So, she did draw. He figured. "I thought you did." He realized how odd his response was, so he continued in attempt to revive himself. "You have good control of your hand." Well, that sounded slightly weirder, but again, Vasuki was blunt. One could even call it a compliment from him.
He had turned to Sori and Ryuu for a moment, and when he turned back to her, he noticed that she had shifted to face him. It was almost surprising to him, that she was genuinely interested in continuing a conversation with him. It meant that he had said something correct, right? Either way, a flicker of bewilderment flashed across him for a millisecond as she asked a question about his book. "This thing?" He asked, picking up To Kill a Mockingbird and flipping it around in his hand as he if he was just seeing it now for the first time. "This will be my fourth time." He paused for a moment, shifting his own body towards her slightly. "Some people enjoy rewatching movies to pick up on details they may have missed first time around. I do that with books."
There was a lot of symbolism in the classics, including in the one he held. The mockingbird, the rabid dog, the tree, they all symbolized something. The fun of it was trying to decipher what. It was like a puzzle, trying to figure out what each thing meant and why it was included. Authors were careful with words. Each one had to count for something. Nothing was put in for no reason.
Tilting his head, Vasuki felt a small tug on his lips, though he didn't smile all the way. It was more of a half smile over anything else, but it was one nonetheless. "I do read. What gave it away?" He nearly trailed off, glancing over his shoulder to look at Sori. However, he moved in a way as to not exclude Mira and completely ignore her. "Why is he a piece of shit again?" Vasuki asked her before clamping his mouth shut, listening to her. "You should have shoved him back," he added on, only to nod his head when Sori confirmed that she did. "If he's still walking, you didn't do it hard enough," he joked with a blank face, only to glance back at Mira. "I don't condone violence," he added on. He only agreed to it if somebody did something first, such as lay the first finger.
He sat quietly as Ryuu and Sori introduced themselves before listening to Sori's story once more. "Maybe Ms. Wynne thought that you'd be the best fit to show him around? That you would whip him into shape?" Attempting to reassure Sori, he glanced at Ryuu before turning to Mira. "What do you draw?" He hardly finished his sentence before the teacher entered, practically floating into class. Immediately, like a robot, he focused on her, pencil already in his hand.
The first assignment was a project. Vasuki was disappointment that it didn't include literature. Releasing a small sigh, he stretched out his legs from beneath his desk before propping himself up once more. He at least wished it would be a form of essay, or a short story analysis. Even a chapter analysis of some sorts would have sufficed, but he should have expected it.
This was one of the most annoying parts of beginning a new semester. Introductions. How Vasuki despised them. To make matters even more difficult, the teacher would be assigning her own groups. To say that the surrounding groans didn't annoy him, however, was an understatement. He wasn't sure why so many individuals complained. It wasn't going to do anything. Sure, Vasuki disliked it, but he wasn't going to be moaning and groaning like a child. It would change nothing. The best thing to do would be to remain silent and get it over with, at least that was his method.
So, he did just that, even when she announced the groups. At least he was with Ryuu and Sori, not to mention Mira. However, Elias and Gregory? He wasn't sure about them, but again, remain silent and get it over with. Turning to Sori, he reassured her once more. "It won't be so bad, Sori. All we have to do is talk for, what, a single class?" It was what he assumed. He wasn't sure how long this project would last, but he didn't think that it would take long.