
"Yeah! Right behind you" Matt got on his board and followed as Sky jumped in front. He took another glance at the sky, getting cloudy. He returned his attention to Sky and Chris "How was both of your guys days?" He lacked a conversation to have with the both of them since he didn't really know Chris that well.

"Mine was good, Chris?" Sky replied. "Mine was okay, I might have to leave a little early for some family stuff though." Chris answered. "That's alright, we aren't doing much." Sky said. . ~Time skip to later~ . "Bye Chris, see ya at school tomorrow." Skylar said as he slowly skated away from Chris's house. "Yeah see you guys tomorrow." Chris shouted as he made his way inside. Sky looked over at Matt, pushing off the ground. "You look good, I like the outfit." Sky said, making conversation.
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"See ya Chris!" Matt said as he followed next to Sky. "Thanks!" He said, s small rosy color coming onto his face. "I wanted to try something a little different, though I think the sweatshirt I had on before I switched to the shirt would've been a good idea considering the state of the sky right now" he hesitated for a moment "you look nice too, I like the red"

"Thank you, and yeah it looks like it's going to storm tonight." Sky said, and almost like he summoned rain it started to literally pour. "Holy shit." Sky said as he looked over at Matt. "Come on, my house isn't too far away from here." Sky said as he started to skate away. It wasn't even your average rainfall, it was pouring. It then began to thunder as they skated to Sky's. They got to his house pretty fast. He walked up to the door and unlocked it quickly. "Jesus." Sky said under his breath as set his skateboard against the wall and then ran his fingers through his hair.
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"It looks to be-" Matt got cut off by the seemingly instant rain "uhh, yeah let's go-" he said, thinking of his shirt and was happened when white gets soaked. The skate to Sky's house was quick, but even given that time it was too late for his shirt. . As Sky unlocked his door Matt took that opportunity to hold his shirt away from his skin, "uhh... I'm drenched" Matt began to laugh at the sheer humility he felt. holding his shirt with his left hand he used his right to ruffle up his hair and get most the water out before he stepped inside. His thoughts immediately going to finding a way to dry up and get warm. "I hate being cold" he said as he tried to wring out some water from his clothes.

Sky looked at Matt, letting out a toothy smirk at the sight of the state he was. He looked him up and down subtly before looking him in the eyes. "uh, I'll give you something to wear. Ugh, I hate wearing wet clothes it so gross." Sky said as he took off his shoes and began to walk to his room. He immediately went through his drawers. He picked out a random teeshirt before looking back at Matt. "Shorts or sweats?" Sky asked before looking back in his drawers for something for him. He grabbed grey sweats for himself and then looked back at Matt.
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"Oh, thank you!" He saw the silly grin Sky put on when he saw him, and felt his face grow three shades brighter. "Sweatpants please, thank you again" he kept having to yank his shirt away from his torso "I agree, there is almost no worse feeling. Except being cold, I hate that more than this." He was both drenched AND cold, 2 of the worse feelings Matt had ever experienced. He heard thunder from inside Sky's room, "I don't think that's a good sign for me making it home, is it?"

Once Sky got Matt's answer he grabbed him some grey sweatpants as well. He walked closer to Matt and handed him the clothes. "Yeah, unless it calmed down." Sky replied. He set the shirt down on his bed and took his shirt off in front of Matt. "You can change in my bathroom if you'd like." Sky said softly as he turned slightly to look at Matt. Sky decided to keep his shirt off, but he definitely wanted to change out of the jeans.
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Matt took the borrowed clothes from Sky "thanks" he looked around for a second "OH! you're just gonna" he cut himself off as he looked away Instinctively "alright" he walked into the bathroom and shut to door behind him, wringing out more water from his hair. He striped off the drenched clothes and put on the nice, warm, dry ones. His face was for sure bright red, but he didn't have any sleeves to cover it with. Once he finished to took a quick glance in the mirror, his hair was messy, but it was still damp, so he wouldn't fuss too much. Matt stepped out of the bathroom and back into Sky's room. "all done, the shirt is a bit big, but it's comfy" he said holding the bottom hem between his fingers.

Once Matt was in the bathroom Skylar took his pants and socks off and put the new ones on. He then sat down on his bed and waited for Matt to be done. "I'm glad." Sky replied, giving Matt a smile. Sky then stood up and walked past Matt and went into the bathroom. He grabbed two towels before going back to his room. "catch." Sky said before throwing the towel at Matt. He then used his towel to dry his hair a little.
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