
Matt laughed and caught eye contact, still smiling while trying to push Elios paws without having him claw him harder. " I'd appreciate your trying. And I appreciate you teaching me to skate too" he looked back over and smiled, wincing slightly. He felt his face growing pink so he went back at nudging the kitty paws. "What's your favorite thing, or style I guess, to draw? I saw a variety of things, but I didn't see anything in common with your sketches" Elio promptly got up and walked around Matt's chest, before simply hopping off and wandering around somewhere. He took the opportunity to sit up and try to brush the cat hair off of his shirt. Matt also, sat with his legs crossed facing Sky. He kept thinking about Sky teaching him how to skate and spending time with him. He was thankfully, really.

"You know I have no clue. I like drawing nature and animals but I also draw portraits though I'm a little less talented when it comes to drawing humans." Sky said. He felt his face grow even more hot when Matt sat up. His face was closer to him now. Skylar clenched his jaw slightly before looking at his cat. He smiled and looked back at Matt. He found himself glancing down at his lips every once and while but tried to not make it look obvious.
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" portraits, I remember in my old art class from like my freshman year, my teacher made us do those. They looked like aliens" he laughed a little now that he remembered what a few of them looked like. "Sorry, back on the topic of school" Matt felt slightly bad that he didn't talk about things other than school or what Sky liked. "Nature is pretty fun, I used to climb a small cliff behind my old house to read on a ledge." he reached for his phone to find a picture of it. He pulled up the picture and set it doesn't infront of him. The picture was Matt in his hoodie and jeans, a rather large book open in his lap with his legs hanging over a ledge. "my mom took this picture one day" he looked up at Sky and smiled, he caught Sky's eye and kept eye contact for a bit.

Sky smiled and looked at the picture on Matt's phone. "Aw you look cute." Sky said quietly as he continued to stare at the photo. He then looked past Matt's phone and met Matt's eyes. He smiled more but then looked back at the photo. He liked this, he liked spending time with Matt and he liked looking at him. Skylar looked down in his lap after a moment and just began to think. He waited for Matt to answer and grew slightly nervous so he started to play with his hands.
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Matt felt his face growing warmer, but he wasn't sure why. "Thanks," he turned his phone off and put it away "I kind of miss it there honestly, but my apartment is cool too." He watched as Sky fidgeted with his hands. "you know, this is pretty cool, I didn't ever do this before I came here" Matt rested his elbows on his knees and held his face in his palms. He gazed around the room again, still starstruck by the talent Sky had. "We should do this more. it's fun, you know, go skating, and get dinner, then just talk?" Matt began to mess with the hem of his shirt, he wasn't sure how to propose the idea of the two of them doing this more often. He quickly stilled his hands by just placing them in his lap, watching Sky think. He wondered what he was thinking about.

Skylar looked back up at Matt as he finished talking. "Yeah we definitely should." Sky said softly with a smile creeping on his face. Skylar held eye contact for a moment, glancing down at Matt's lips quite frequently. He moved slightly closer but then backed up. His heart nearly stopped but now was beating faster than ever. He looked back down at his hands for a bit before looking back up at Matt.
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Matt watched and smiled when Sky agreed they should hang out more. "I'm glad you agree" he ran his hand through his hair once before letting in rest in his lap again. He silently hoped Elio would wander back around. Matt was mildly puzzled at Sky's gaze, but didn't think much on it. He unconsciously noticed Sky's flitting glances, probably because he was busy thinking about the art around the room, there was so many things to look at on the walls. Each one was different and interesting in its own way. He wanted to see more of what Sky enjoyed, to understand his interests better, but he wasn't sure how to bring them up.

As Skylar's breath started to quicken he looked back up at Matt quickly. He made eye contact before looking down at his lips. He was unsure if Matt wanted what he wanted, but he just went for it in the heat of the moment. Skylar leaned in and turned his head to the right and slowly kissed Matt. The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds with Skylar pulling away. His face was red, being slightly embarrassed. "Oh my, Im-" Skylar backed up slightly, "Im sorry." He continued.
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Matt cupped a hand to his mouth, his face growing a bright shade of pinkish red. He was, undeniably baffled, but smiling "uhm- wow" he was unsure of exactly how he felt, but he didn't hate it. Matt wanted to tell Sky that it was fine, but words were failing him. "Its- cool, it's cool" he laughed under his breath. Matt didn't back away as Sky did, instead he fell onto his back on Sky's bed. "So that's how you feel, huh." Matt wasn't gonna deny, it was cool- he wasn't sure if that meant he liked Sky or not. He sat back up and looked at Sky. " what does that mean" Matt lacked social skills in times like this, it's like everything he knew just flushed out of his brain and left it a mess of stupidity.

"Maybe." Sky said as he looked at his cat. "Im not sure yet but I do think you are very attractive." Sky said, smiling to himself. "We dont have to figure anything out right now lets just keep hanging out, if you're cool with that. I won't kiss you again if you don't want me to." Sky said he was surprised he was communicating this well since he normally didn't know how to. Skylar backed up even more and put his back against the wall.
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