
Gelidus The young man's small freckles seemed to sparkle in the sun against his seriously pale skin, his snow white curls trembling with the soft breeze as his one slightly loose curl dangled over his icey blue eyes that flashed metallicly in the sun. his attention was brought towards her smile as she nodded, it was a beautiful sight, he couldn't help but smile with her, giving a slight chuckle and a nervous nod as he glanced down at his feet a moment, ""I rather agree. Its filthy here. So do you mind if I accompany you to the forest? I have a friend waiting there so it wouldn't be for long." . he smiled softly, his sparkling white teeth shining in the sun, "yes, it is quite filthy here, and not just the streets but the people. it'd be nice having company..." he huffed with his lips curving into a grin as he looked back down at his feet shyly, "i don't have company often... it'd be nice for a change." he said as he glanced back up with a slight hesitant yet a little more of an open look.

Caligo The young man chuckled with his deep usual thunderous voice, his moonlit pale gaze on the dancing ribbons of flames as they shined against him and warmed his skin, lighting against his gray skin and swirled sharp pitch black tattoos that littered his body, his armor shining so darkly that it reflected the dancing flames perfectly. . "Mortals don't have the benefit of a God who's soul purpose is to be a blacksmith." he chuckled at her statement and nodded, holding his drink up in a cheers manor, "true to that." he laughed before gulping down another sip and looking towards the fire, strangely he had already begin to sway now that his cup was almost empty, "also helps when the dark elves kingdom was the most powerful and wealthy and this..." he patted on the armor with pride, "came from the king himself." he laughed before she spoke, "I'll be right back. Putting everything up." he nodded and spoke again with a slight confused yet sincere look, "would you like help?" but she had already went.

Era She was honestly quite surprised they had followed her directions and she hadn't caught the look Adonis had given her, but stayed silent, waiting for them to leave from her view before quickly flashing her sparkling sunlit gaze to Adonis with a wide grin and a giggle. "You didn't happen to snag to the keys did you?" watching him pull the ring of keys out into view a devilish yet proud grin half smirk curved across her rosy red lips, "you clever fox." . she giggled and took the keys he handed to her and gave a few quick glances over her shoulder before unlocking it quickly, glancing back and fourth between the cage and him, barely hearing his question, "lets focus on getting to the forest first, then we can talk." she gave a hopeful smile and finally it had unlocked, pulling it open as she glanced both directions before stepping out with a whisper, "come on, cost is clear for now."

Daphne . She stood next to him and was happy he agreed she could come along. She did a small jump. "Alright then. Lets go." She grabbed his hand and started to pull him along. Then she realized she had no clue where she was going so she stopped. "O I don't know where I'm off to. You should probably lead the way." She lowered he head and giggled.

Thalia . She was looking out the window as his words rang in his ears. Came from the king himself. But didn't he said he got it from his father. does that make him a prince? Why isn't he with his people? She shook her head as a sea ghust blew into her home. She finished up and headed back out. He was a bit intoxicated and so she kept alert. Not knowing what he was like drunk. "Thanks for your offer, I apologize for hurrieng off. Turns out I didn't need your help ththough.she looked at the fire and exhaled. Ready for either a very sad tale or rebellious one. "Where do you hail from. I haven't heard of a whole kingdom of darkelves. But then again I've only been an earth walker for two years now." She looked at his pale eyes with her crimson ones. Her red hair being at her side now. Then she looked at the sand not knowing if she struck a nerve.

Adonis . He gave her the keys and grinned as she took them and called him clever. "I got to be. I've been doing this for a while. In fact this cage is designed cause I've escaped to many time. The bars can't be brocken, can't wiggle threw, there to strongly boded to be broken." He looked at her hands and then behind her to keep sure the coast was clear. Then he heard the click. He looked down as she opened the door. He bolted out as she told him to do and grabbed her hand and dragged her into the ally. He made his hands into a stool again. "This is gonna be a massive boost. Once your up just go. I can grip and climb up. Call Solas and go. I'll meet you later." His voice was hurried and kinda demanding as his eyes where filled with determination.

Gelidus The young man chuckled at her little jump of joy but as she grabbed his hand to lead him his face grew hot as he chuckled nervously, freezing a moment but continuing with her, not letting it get to him, really hoping she didn't notice if it was showing on his face. as she eventually let go and seemed to give her own nervous show from not knowing where she was going. . He chuckled a bit, a light quiet chuckle and shook his head with a smile, "to find the forest, head south, you'll run into it the fastest that way. to make it to the kingdom, head north, to make it to the poorer villages go south, and west is eventually the sea." He smiled as his blue eyes flickered over towards her own beautiful eyes, "just a bit of information, might come in handy." He took in the sight of her eyes for a moment, examining there beauty, there wonderful magnetic deepness before blinking himself out of the trance to chuckle nervously and playfully elbow her before beginning to walk at a quick pace, "come on."

Caligo as she came back she seemed to answer his question, throwing his hand forwards in a kind of 'whatever', 'dont worry about it' manor, giving a slight shake of his head, "its fine." he huffed as he stared at the fire, sitting forwards with his elbows on his knees, swaying slightly as he blinked slowly, "i probably wouldn't have been able to help much anyway." he said and chuckled, swaying a bit before picking up his cup and staring at it through squinted eyes, as if attempting to examine how much he had left, but swaying so much that he seemed rather goofy, "im a bit uh... well-" he turned his head towards her with a goofy looking smirk on his face, "-drunk." . .he chuckled and drank the rest of what was in the bottom of the cup before staring back at the fire, his gaze watching the flames with interest but at her question some memories seemed to take his mind away as he responded in a voice filled with memory, with regret, "i uh... i was the son of the king of the most powerful dark elf kingdom, but in my time... it wasn't in its best shape, there were few left of us, but when humans attacked for our land and the riches that we didn't have anymore, they... well," he swallowed and rubbed his face his his hands, "they took there lives in battle, including my fathers, i was the last one... only one left from the empire..." his hand reached for the necklace hanging from his neck, "well, me and one other... this armor... this... charm, they were my fathers... so was the royal not as much as a 'pet' forsay but... a guard for the royals. a friend." He huffed and swallowed, trying not to get into any of the details of how much he regretted what he had done.

Era "I got to be. I've been doing this for a while. In fact this cage is designed cause I've escaped to many time. The bars can't be broken, can't wiggle threw, there to strongly boded to be broken." She giggled at the info he gave her, and rolled her eyes in a playful way, "something tells me you get into these situations way too often." she laughed and shook her head, her blonde hair flowing beautifully behind her and her satin golden robe. as he bolted and grabbed her hand, she ran with him swiftly and silently, on her tiptoes as they headed into the alleyway but as he spoke in this new tone, it set her off a bit, what was his plan? . he'd better not go back to them, not now, not ever. she frowned and was about to step upon the hand stool he made for her before her sunlit gaze filled with worry, a hand placed on his shoulder, "you'll be right behind me... right?"

Adonis . He grinned as she mentioned he had to be in trouble often. "I have a quota." He looked at the wall. And knew this is what had to be done. Then she placed a hand on his shoulder. And asked if he would be behind him. He looked at her. His green eyes much darker in the shade of the wall. "You have my word." He said, encouraging her to hurry up. "We have about five minutes till they realize what's we've done." He looked at the top of the wall wanting his timing to be perfect to get her up as fast as possible.