Armari hadnt really been one for school. Even in preschool, he hadnt really loved it, despite the constant play. All he truly cared abut was tricks and pranks. Call him a buly or mean, he really didnt care. His whole life was pranks and jokes. Oh, and Lilliana. Mother adn Father were the worst parents, so he had to take care of the child. Wait, if he were to sleep in the school dorms, how would he take care of a child. Ah, that was a problem for later. For now, he had to establish himself in the school, find his first friends and such. He was heading down a hall, running his hand along the lockers on the side, when someone bumped into him. He looked down and stared at the girl as she apologized. "...New?" He asked. Well, he was new, persay. "I guess..." He said. "The dorms are that way." He pointed down the right side of the fork in the hallway.