(i also forgot how gathering's work so just Bare with me lol o_o")
[=` Dirt'Claw nodded as well, As Wind'clan finally arrvied. River' clan leader started to speak`=]
"Ahem..I have called apon this gathering for some reasons.."
Spotted'star Look at the other clan leaders, as he contuied.
"There have been some cases of kit's and herbs being stolen..Have You clan leader's also have that problem"
Sparrow Looked at Wind'clan and shadow Clan, she heard small hisses and meows coming from them.." Ugh..I bet those Pisky River'clan Cat stole them.." One of the wind'clan cat Mudder, As sparrow look at shadow'clan "I Think Thunder'clan Are stealing herbs..Maybe the kits? "rose'horn Hissed a bit" Sparrow Sighed wondering..If this meeting was a mistake..our not..
"I Also Just wanted to check on some clans..i heard some of you guys had some death..." `=]