Pierre's laugh was light and gleeful as he turned around, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I did all the fishing. Fish just keeps watch - hence," Pierre peaked around his shoulder, waving his hands in Morven's general direction, "The way he pounced on you. Still super sorry about that, by the way."
Leading the way back to their fishing site, Pierre rambled on about one thing and another, always one to fill the silences. He wasn't expecting Morven to answer, but left gaps in the conversation wide enough for the other boy to fit in, should he decide to.
"...so then I was going to call my brother a wuss, but then my sister walked in on us, and oh boy, does she scare the bajeebers out of me. I mean like, ten times scarier than Fish. No. Twenty. And I don't even know why she freaks me out that much. Siblings sure are weird, huh?"
The trio had arrived at the riverside spot, and Pierre flopped himself down next to the pile of fish, seemingly not minding the pungent odor. He pulled a knife out of a small sheith attached to the waistband of his pants, and began gutting the fish, while Fish puffed the tiniest bit of flame onto the preprepared fire pit.
The trio had arrived at the riverside spot, and Pierre flopped himself down next to the pile of fish, seemingly not minding the pungent odor. He pulled a knife out of a small sheith attached to the waistband of his pants, and began gutting the fish, while Fish puffed the tiniest bit of flame onto the preprepared fire pit.
"If you wouldn't mind putting some sticks on the fire, that would be awesome! I'll roast our dinner, and then put Fish's stuff on the coals for them to cook. I don't need to gut those - he eats it all - so I only need to prep however many we are eating. I eat two - how many do you want?"