
Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Daisy He quickly lashed out, catching one with one paw while he bit hard on the other's neck. "There." He calmed, and began licking his paw to clean off the blood. "This should be enough prey to explain our absence. But... Daisy, how am I gonna tell Felisha about this? I mean, seeing a loner... and having pups with a loner... that's a double offense, and two of the worst ones! I don't regret my decision, but... if I get kicked out of the pack, it will be much harder to care for Wander." He whined with worry.

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk "If you get kicked out, I'm comming too." She and Sparrowhaw had benn friends for as long as she could remember. "You and Wander will need some help caring for four pups." She picked up her mouse and started heading back to the dens. Edited at April 23, 2024 01:02 AM by Graywing
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Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Daisy He gave her a hopeful half-smile, then cocked his head as she added the part about four pups. "How do you know there's gonna be four?" Was it some strange she-dog power? How did she know?

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk Daisy chuckled, "I don't have powersif thats what you were thinking. Her belly's too small for more than six pups, and four is just the average."
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Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Daisy "Oh." He said, still convinced she had powers. But four pups! That was his dream. Four little pups who would run up to him, yipping and playing with his tail, four little pups who he could care for... but still. They were his pups, but they were Wander's too. And she was a loner, no matter how much like a pack dog she seemed. He sighed, his tail drooping.

Wander/F/Loner/M: Open Wander curled up tighter, thinking about her choice to join the wild dog pack. Would they even let her join? Would they be mad at Sparrowhawk? Because he was her mate, and was having pups with her? Wander fretted, watching the breeze blow over some of the leftover human trash.

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk She noticed Sparrowhawks tail drooping. "Hey, whatever happens, I'll be there for you and Wander." Daisy realised she would have to meet Wander eventually. She and Sparrowhawk had arived at the dens. She walked over and dropped her mouse in the pile. The pile was running low, threre was only her mouse, a squirel, and two ravens. She would have to go back out later. Edited at April 23, 2024 10:35 PM by Graywing
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Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Daisy He dropped his two mice in the pile, and flicked his ears back as he waited for the camp to wake up. The pile was looking pretty small today, he felt bad for the omega. Even he probably wouldn't get much more than a mouse, with this meager stash. He wished that he'd caught more. Anyway, he heard Falcon, and he hoped the alpha and beta would be up soon so he could discuss Wander with them. Till then... he considered for a moment, then pounced on Daisy, playfully nipping at her ears.

Wander/F/Loner/M: Open Wander squeezed her eyes as she felt some pain in her belly. She had known the pups were going to come soon, within two to three weeks. As the pain ebbed, she knew that she would need the packs help sooner or later. She was going to have to get Sparrowhawk to take her to the pack. Wander hesitated, then gave a weak howl, nervous.

Crystal - F - Fox - M: Wander, Open - This has been a chaotic time. I can fell my belly swelling. I think I am expecting. I hear Wander howl. "Wander? Is that you?" I say. I walk towards her den.