
"I remember we loved playing hide-and-seek... she never found me, I hid so well." Tear Ivy sniffled.

Luna looked at her and said, "She probably didn't mean to lose you. I bet that you're a great hider." Luna told her, again turning to Farris and Sirius.

Tear Ivy nodded absently.

When Sirius left her position as a healer to face the new wolf (Tear Ivy), Inti decided to keep an eye Aspen's state. Fortunately, she didn't have any fractures that she couldn't easily heal with some disinfection, immobilization, and rest, so apparently, her strategy of grabbing onto the side of the cliff and the trees had slowed her fall. When Zane arrived, he was afraid to confront him because if a manipulative and opportunistic megalomaniac like Farris described him as a crazy and dangerous wolf, it was better to be careful with him. Regardless, he decided to get close to Sirius so he could defend her in case Zane attacked her, even though he still didn't have any combat experience with her new body. Wait, a curse? Just as the elder said! And how did he know Inti's name? He might have spied on them and covered his secent by rolling in flowers and herbs, but he wasn't sure. Inti's body tensed as so did the situation between Zane and Sirius, until she was knocked out. Sirius! Inti ran over to her and touched her head gently, then rubbed some of the herbs leftover from Aspen's healing just in case, while Zane disappeared with Aspen on his back. He seemed to know how to carry her without hurting her, but that didn't mean she was safe at all.

Inti didn't know how to respond to Luna and Tear Ivy's comments. For one thing, it seemed like just about every wolf she'd ever met had had a bad experience with humans (although to be fair, Sirius had more or less asked for it). Furthermore, as a human, especially during his adolescence and early adulthood, Inti had gradually begun to lose confidence and even faith in his own kind, both because of the abuses of humans against nature and the evil people had have been capable to drop against their peers. On the other hand, Inti knew that he would never hunt wild animals for fun, or reach the levels of cruelty of some people, besides that he had a human family that was surely worried at this moment after his "disappearance". He simply ducked his head, looking at his front paws, wondering if they would ever be hands again. Edited at March 10, 2022 05:19 PM by ijdme

Inti shook away his thoughts and decided to focus on what was important now. "Farris, who was that guy?"

Farris looked up at Inti. He had never talked to him before. "My sister's crazy ex..." He roughly shook his head, chasing away the memories. "Whatever, the backstory isn't the most important part right now. We have to get Aspen back and," Farris paused trying to remember the name of the den that Zane had mentioned. "And take you to the Mystics. Apparently, you don't have much time before your curse becomes permanent." Farris looked back down at Sirius. "Come on, please wake up soon Sirius," he muttered. Edited at March 11, 2022 09:07 PM by Valentino~

Tear Ivy turned to the wolf she had been talking to. "What's your name?" she said, trying to change the sad subject.

Luna looked at the wolf after Inti had run to Sirius. "Me? I'm Luna. Who are you?" Luna asked, feeling silly that they'd been talking this whole time and didn't know each other's names.

Tear Ivy shivered. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. Finally, she whispered hoarsely, "My sister's name was Luna."