
Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: I dunno, whoever's there "Oh. Um, sure Ace. Bye Night." He sat down, a bit annoyed that Ace was bothering him again. "What do you want?" He twirled his tail gently around his paws, sitting up carefully straight. He pricked his ears, ready to listen.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Sparrow "I'm sorry to keep bothering you but I wanted to tell you that I would go with you and Night being the alpha's or leaders of this small pack. I would complain a bit but I'd be fine with it even though I want to. You can do it." I say and sit down across from him." Also do you know when Night's due? Because if you and her ever need a break form pups or being leaders me and Selene can always look after them with the pups I found."

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: I dunno, whoever's there He smiled at Ace, toungue lolling. "Thank you, Ace. I appreciate your support, and I will almost definitely take that offer! I'm not sure when the pups are coming exactly, but probably pretty soon, right?" He wagged his tail, sneezing as he accidentally swept some dirt up his nose. "Bleh. Sorry." He got up. "Now, I'm sorry, but I better find Night. See you tonight!" He padded away, following Night's scent.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Open Once Sparrow leaves I growl at myself I don't want him to be the leader I just wanted him to actually care about me. I bound over to the camp and lick the pups on the head dozing off

Pandora | F | Ball Python Pandora coiled up amongst the flowers by the stream and relaxed. She wanted to spend some time alone after spending so long surrounded by other animals. The disaster had been stressful, but they'd found somewhere safe, with plenty of food, water, and shelter. The only thing to worry about now was the fights for leadership, but everyone seemed to have calmed down, at least for now.
She yawned and curled up tighter, falling asleep.

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Open - I walk away from the river following a game trail. The smell leads me on with a promise of a juciy rabbit. Troting along. My tummy growls. The brisk night air blows throgh my pelt. I walk through the lush grass. I drag my belly over a log. I should turn around and go to sleep, but... I do not want to. I keep moving. I grab long strips of grass in my mouth. This will make a good nest lining. I start to walk back.

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Everyone ~+~ I jumped into the river as soon as I saw it. I felt so yucky and dusty. I washed all the dry blood and rubble out of my fur and then dried myself. I spotted Ace asleep with the pups and I smiled. They looked so sweet. I wondered where pandora was. hopefully she was asleep too. I looked around. Bagheera had found a ledge in one of the caves down a pathway and had fallen asleep. Bai was still exploring, and Night had gone out. Where's Sparrow? I wondered. He's probably fine. I should stay awake and watch over the others. Just incase. I sat down by the entrance to the chain of caves and watched the remaining trees dance in the wind. I thought about the argument earlier. I agree though. A leader would be good. Someone to rely on. After everyone wakes up, that's going to be their first priority. Okay maybe not everyone. Sparrow and Night would make good leaders... But I mean. Everyone has a bad habit. No one is perfect... All of them have something great about them... I smile as I think of the others. I laughed doubt loud when I remembered blaze jumping out of the tree. Where would she be? Oh right! She's probably hunting. What a strange creature, hungry for violence. I hope nobody fights about being leaders again. Oh! We should vote on it. No... we need to all decide together. Stop worrying. We're safe now, that's what matters. My feeling were very mixed, part of me didn't want a leader, part of me needed one. Another part of me wanted to be leader, but I pushed that thought aside. I'd never be able to take care of these guys. They need someone who can protect them. I'm just the tiny fox, who can barely carry a hare. My stomach growled. I catch a mouse I find scampering along the caves and I eat it. Oh! There's night! I run up to her and greet her. "Hey there!" I say, smiling.

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Selene, Open - I put the grass down "Hi Selene! How have you been?" I ask. I go to sit next to her. My stomach feels very heavy. The pups must be due very soon. Smiling back, I try not to show how much I want these pups out of me. There has to be HW in there.

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Night ~+~ "I'm doing alright" I say, wagging my tail slightly. "How are you feeling?" I ask, concerned for her. "Do you need anything?"

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: He padded down to the water, and hesitated. Wet fur, for him, was very hard to dry. Like, very hard. He knew he had to wash off though, it would be so much better. He slowly half walked half swam into the deeper water, enjoying the cool feeling of the water running through his long fur. He noticed Night and Selene sitting together, and swam over to greet them, wagging his wet tail happily.