
Pandora | F | Ball Python |M: Sparrowhawk, Ace Pandora watched Sparrowhawk and Ace's argument and hoped it wouldn't escalate further. We need to focus on survival, not fighting ourselves, she thought.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Sparrowhawk "If I knew you were alive I would've been there for you. I didn't leave you. You never came back I went to that dumpster everyday hoping to find you there but I didn't. Plus I'm not the one with a mate that's." I stop myself before pushing the line." I'm sorry." I say and back away." But you care about everyone but me." I go into the cave I found earlier

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: I dunno, whoever's there He started to follow Ace, then stopped. He too had tried to go back to the dumpster, but he had gotten lost, once the humans took him and saved his life. His ears and tail drooped sadly, and he sighed, looking helplessly at Night. "I'm-I'm sorry. I..."

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Open I howl in despair and curl up in a ball shivering and looking to the entrance of the cave making sure no one comes inside." Why did I have to get stuck with the insane family." I ask myself

Blaze/Fennec/Female M: whoever’s there Blaze’s left ear began to twitch. All this fighting about being leader was really starting to annoy her. “Hey, guys,” She began. But everyone was talking over and yelling over the top of each other. “Hey, Guys?!” She tried again, but no one heard her. She gave a sigh, deciding she was left no choice. She folded her ears down over her head, and started to scream. She screamed and screamed, loudly and jarringly. Any glass left intact in a mile radius was instantly shattered. Everyone turned to her, staring in bewilderment. Not many had expected such a large sound to come from such a small animal. She snarled. “Look, if YOU GUYS can’t figure it out, then I WILL be leader.” She stared each of them in the eye. “After all, the only reasoning YOU have is that you are MATES. Is THAT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON TO LEAD?!” She leaped on a large boulder, raised her hackles and kept talking, “If YOU BELIEVE that being mates is a good reason to lead, then you shouldn’t lead at all! Relying on someone else makes you WEAK!” She hissed at the two couples. “Your mate could be used AGAINST YOU! They CLOUD YOUR JUDGEMENT! They force you to prize THEM over the pack!” She was spitting with fury. She took a deep breath. Inner peace…inner peace. She narrowed her eyes and looked up at the animals. “Besides,” She continued, her voice dangerously quiet, “Wouldn’t it be better to have a leader who can hunt, one who can fight, and maybe even one who can” She gave a dramatic pause. She could feel the others holding their breath. “A leader who can MAKE FIRE!!!” She raised a paw, claws outstretched, and slashed them against the rock below her. Sparks flew out where she made contact with the rock, and landed on the ground, igniting a pile of dry sticks, making them blaze behind her, the tendrils of fire writhing furiously. She smirked as they died away. She could still see the awestruck expressions of the others. “That is all,” Her voice was barely a whisper. “I am going to hunt.” She elegantly leapt off the boulder, and vanished into the bushes, leaving nothing but a faint vibration of disapproval in the air behind her.

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Everyone ~+~ "Okay! we all need to calm down! we can talk about leaders later. what we need right now, is shelter, for everyone." I say, looking at everyone. "we're all tired, grumpy and hungry. fighting is just going to use up our energy. how about we all go together and search for caves to stay in. Alex said he knew were there were caves in the human greenland. all of us will go there and rest. after that we can continue this discussion, and CALMLY. I don't want any yelling or shouting, do I make myself clear. We are a team. We need each other to survive. We will work together. No leaders, or alphas for now. We can vote on it once we find a safe place to sleep." I look around, "Blaze, come back" Edited at April 26, 2024 04:07 AM by Devil town

Blaze/Fennec/Female M: I dont give a frick at this point “Ughhhh” I groaned quietly from the bushes and walked back out again. I probably already hunted enough. So much for a dramatic speech and exit… I stood behind Selene, and nosed into her ear and whispered “You can’t just ask me to come BACK! I had a dramatic speech and exit and everything! :(“ Stepping back,I pouted slightly, and everyone’s eyes widened, probably because they all thought I looked very cute, especially with my pupils dilated. “So,” I whispered to Selene again, “Have we got a plan? What are we going to do once we get there?”

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Blaze ~+~ "We're going to rest. Most of us are tired- yes i know you aren't" I say "That's why you and me will go hunting and taking the prey back to the others so they can eat it if they're hungry. The human grass lands are a bit far from here, so we can't travel back and forth. They'll have water and prey. When we leave, we have to leave for good." Hopefully people like my suggestion... was I too commanding? Do they think I'm trying to take the role as leader? Because I'm not. I wouln't be a good leader. Night seems like she could be one. But Sparrow and Ace... I hope they don't fight again! "Oh!" I exclaim "I'll be right back!" I say to Blaze and I run off in the dirrection Ace went in. I hope he's okay! I sniff the air and catch his scent. I'm glad the dust in my nose has cleared. Now I can smell better. I run in the dirrection he went in. Please be okay. I'm coming.

Blaze/Fennec/Female M: ??????? I turn my head, watching as Selene scampers off into the woods. I relay her instructions in my head. Find prey. Bring it to the others. Simple enough. I look around. No one there. I prick my ears. No one hiding. I scamper off to my prey hole.
Leaping in, I look around. “Well, well, well…” I thought, “Which should I bring?” Definitely the owl, it has too many gizzards for my liking. The rabbit, for the dogs, and the mouse, for the…what did they call it now? Alltail? I’ve watched and heard her kind from a very, very long distance before. I watched one swallow a mouse whole, once. The memory sent a shiver down my spine. That one probably could have swallowed me, as well. I grabbed the mouse by the tail, threw the rabbit over my back and the owl in my jaws. I hastily scuttled out of the prey-hole. Drats. The rabbit had fallen off my back, and was now on the ground. I backed down the tree, and rearranged them so I could once again carry them all at once. I dragged them to the clearing and laid them out, and yelled to everyone “Dinner’s Ready!”

Night - F - Wolf - M: All - I watch the whole ordeal in silence after my part. Blaze is right. We are all (insert clean insult). I already ate, so when Blaze brings food, I walk to the other side of the clearing. Not like anyone would pay attention to me anyway. I lay down and look into the woods. Doofus. A mate can't make you lead. Sparrowhawk was not my reason anyway. He is myate, not my tool. I should probably tell him why I revealed we are mates. Edited at April 26, 2024 05:24 AM by Bobcat