
Night - F - Wolf - M: Sparrowhawk, Bagheera, Pandora, Blaze, Who ever else I missed - I show that I am not a treat but a friend. Maybe this cat will stay. Just the, the fenec fox flew out of the tree. I never caught her name, but attacking another non-prey creture? No, I will not let it slide. I knok her off her course, but I do not attack. Calmly, insted I sit down and look at the new comer. Is this the same fox who over heard when I was telling Sparrow I am expecting? I am sure it is. Edited at April 23, 2024 02:55 PM by Bobcat

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Night I nudge Night out of the path of the fox."You mess with the foxes you mess with me. And you don't wanna mess with me." I say but don't growl just block her path

Blaze/Fennec/Female M: Night I am surprised with a large paw in my face, and before I can bite down on it, I get knocked aside. I roll for a bit and end up on my back. I stand up on my paws again, clawing at the ground. “What the hell do you think you’re DOING?!” I yell at the she-wolf, “That thing” I wave a paw at the cat, “Just attacked our FRIEND! Are you just going to let that stand?! What kind of a friend ARE you?” I could feel my saliva dripping through my teeth. It was still dyed red with prey-blood. I narrow my eyes at the she-wolf. Wasn’t she the one who was expecting? If she was going to have pups, wouldn’t she want them to be safe from intruders? Why was she letting this hostile ball of mangy fur into the camp? I didn’t understand.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M:Blaze I walk over to Blaze and whisper in her ear." You do not tell anyone about the she-wolf expecting and you won't die." I say quietly and get out of the way." Have at it Blaze someone messes with a fox the other fox comes after. It's protocol."

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: Night He snapped his head around again as he saw the small fox with the big ears snarling at Night. "Get away from her!" He spat. He'd never seen this fox, and the cat seemed to be posing a much smaller threat. He snarled, and darted between his mate and the small fox, his thick mane of fur swishing against the ground as he lowered his snakelike head closer to the ground, protecting his soft underbelly.

Night - F - Wolf - M: Sparrowhawk, Bagheera, Pandora, Blaze, Ace, Who ever else I missed - "No, she didn't. Some trash did. Now that you are here, do you mind telling us your name? I am tired of refering to you as a squirral fox. Hold on, your name is blaze? It suits your personality. No one is attacking anyone." I say. This fuzz ball is starting to get on my nerves.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Everyone there "Ok settle down. Blaze leave it for a few seconds." I look towards Sparrow." And you even if Night is a friend your not even that protective over me your own brother." I say and go between Sparrow and Blaze." No one fights end of discussion."

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Group Pandora sighed with relief when the fighting stopped. She was worried that she'd have to stop them herself.

Blaze/Fennec/Female M:Night, Sparrow, Ace, Bagheera…idk who else I gave a small sigh. No fighting? How sad. I uprighted myself, leaving the only sign of my anger in my lashing brush of a tail. “Wait a second.” I look at the she-wolf, “How do you know my name? I don’t remember telling you…” I saw the dog crouched low, still, hackles raised, teeth bared. I hissed right back at him. I think I accidentally spat a little into his eye. Oops.

Night - F - Wolf - M: Sparrowhawk, Bagheera, Pandora, Blaze, Ace, Who ever else I missed - "Ace sleep talks." I say simpley. I srug my shoulders and walk over to Sparrow. "You never told me what happened to you sholder." I say. I brush against his non-hurt shoulder and motion for him to sit. I start to inspect it as he tells the tale.