

Frost's eyes flicked open, it was morning. She couldn't remember falling asleep but she had woken so logically that meant that she must have slept. Bliz now lay at her feet, wrapped around her, comfortingly. Nox still lay in her arms, head nestled into her neck.

She heard a rustling sound, and she jolted up right almost falling off of the tree branch. She looked around and saw that she was still in the tree, and she saw the little coon climbing on a few branches above. "Hey little fella." she said, and the coon looked down at her and made a small chattering sound.

Frost got up, carrying the pup with her

liko jolted awake, had she passed out again? glitch sat near a small pitiful fire

She stood up with exalent balance, and looked around. She saw humans walking around. She shifted into a hawk, and flew down to Frost.

"yo" yawned Frost, smiling as she looked for the steak Bliz had stolen yesterday

liko stood "what the?" glitch was reading through his book, cooking a steak above the fire


no XD it was originally gonna be pork but then i remembered glitch has a hatred of cows and kills them when he sees em, trauma doesnt leave, even when you die))