Ash-Female-4-Scout/Mother-M:Gwendolyn, Amaruq, Sandstorm, Delta, Taliene, Starless Night, Killjoy, Fern, Shrike.
Ash looked around and saw so many faces, faces she knew from somewere but didn't reconize, maybe she had just seen them in a dream. Everyone was talking at once and it made her dizzy. Her mate Amaruq came over with Sandstorm, Delta and her pup Shrike. Amarqu nuzzled close to her and she remembered the brown wolf from somewere, yes, she remembered his kind face and beautiful eyes. She also remembered the dark and light brown faces of her sister and brother but didn't reconize that they were her brother and sister. There were also familiar faces around, Killjoy, Fern, Gwendolyn, Taliene and Starless Night.
"Your name is Ash. and I'm Amaruq, your mate." Said the brown wolf. Starless Night pushed some berries toward her and she ate them. They tasted good but she didn't know what they were for.
(Ash has amnesia so her memories will come back on there own.)
Sandstorm-Male-5-Hunter-M: Ash, Taliene, Amaruq
Sandstorm heard Taliene,
"Sandstorm, what happened?"
"Honestly Taliene, I don't know what happened," The male looked at Taliene, she looked like she was getting better already. Ash on the other hand still didn't remember anyone or anything. Her mate, Amaruq, pushed his way through too see her. Sandstorm could see by the look on his face that he was consered for Ash.
"Don't worry, she will be ok." He said trying to calm down Amaruq.
"I have to check out that wound or else she might never remember who you are." Sanstorm almost jumped at the sound but soon realized that it was Starless Night.
"Ok, be careful with her though, I don't want anything bad to happen."
Delta-Female-4-Scout-M: Ash, Starless Night
Ash still couldn't remember anything and Delta was getting worried, her sister looked like she had seen Delta in a dream and no were else. Looking at Starless Night she saw him giving Ash some berries and Ash eating them.
"Will she be ok?" She asked him.