
Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Nox She hesitated, wondering if she could trust Nox, then decided she could. "Well... I saw some um, interesting stuff, and then I left because I obviously wasn't supposed to see it. And then I accidentally ran into Ull. He's my crush, the most handsome, sweet, nice, kind and wonderful friend you could ever meet. But... I tripped on him!" She winced again, chewing at her claws.

Nox | Loner | Female | M: Skylark Nox dipped her head in understanding, being a loner meant she saw a lot of moments that were for a pack and left her on the outside, it sometimes made her feel like an intruder when she had no ill intentions and hadn't meant to see. "Well, the best advise I can give you about this is pretend you saw nothing and apologize if that or the accidental trip comes up. You did nothing wrong," Nox chirps, trying to be helpful.

Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Nox "Thanks," she said, her feathers drooping. "But still! I mean, that was very embarrassing." She licked the bird instinctively, then froze. "Sorry!" She squeaked. She felt weird now. And she was wondering if Ull was okay.

Nox | Loner | Female | M: Skylark Nox froze as well, getting rather confused and awkward from the simple gesture. She hadn't been given much if any affection since she had left her chick-hood nest and it kind of overloaded her brain for a moment. She quickly shook it off though, ruffling her feathers in a contented manner. "Welp- it's okay!" Nox chirped, "And hey, if your crush likes you he won't yell at you or anything for that, right? That would just be weird," Edited at April 15, 2024 01:41 AM by Silver via

Juniper/f/storm healer/M: Sort of mentions Skylark Ull and Ember Juniper walked back to her den with the peppermint she had found and began to sort them. "I wonder what that was about?" She wondered while thinking about Skylark being all embarrassed around Ull. "Is that how I act around Ember?" She said to herself. "No, I'm not that embarrassed... am I?" She asked herself. She started to draw Ember in the sand nonconsciously while still thinking. Edited at April 16, 2024 11:28 AM by Violet Moon

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Hex/F/loner/M: Juniper Hex quietly made her way to the den where Juniper was and looked in to see the canine drawing some image on the floor so tiltering her head to the side only to realize what it was. She dropped the herbs of thyme and a marigold flower. She placed her paws on the pile she brought. "Embarrassed about what?", asked Hex with blue eyes gleaming at the drawing.
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Juniper/F/Storm Healer/M: Hex Juniper whipped her head around to see Hex standing behind her looking at the drawing of Ember. "N-Nothing!" Juniper said quickly and swept the drawing with her tail. Her ears flattened trying to hide her spiked fur. She tried to compose herself by lifting her ears and tail but she knew that she still looked extremely awkward. "What did you need again?" Juniper asked Hex, her voice wavering a bit. Its a good thing that my fur is already red. She thought to herself.

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Hex/F/loner/M: Juniper Hex's left ear twitched, the front paws on the herb and flower while she was amused however she remained calm. She sat down and rested her tail on her front paws. "Ember sent me to give you something and I would like some...let's say someone I consider a friend is hurt. I came to see if you have any herbs that may help them", answered Hex as her black, brown and white fur remained flat. Edited at April 16, 2024 02:25 PM by Feiella
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Juniper/F/Storm Healer/M: Hex Juniper's tail wagged slightly. "Oh! Alright, what's wrong with them? Are they sick or hurt?" Juniper's mind was still on Ember but she tried to focus. She sent the herbs? Why though it's not like we've talked to each other a lot. *Continues to space out* Edited at April 16, 2024 11:59 AM by Violet Moon

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Hex/F/Loner/Mentions: Juniper "There was a fight on Rose Colony and some rouges were unhappy with Summer the leader of the Colony. My friend got hurt and refuses to rest", she explained hoping Juniper would understand. Her eyes rested on the herbs and flower under her paws, "Are you curious why the head guard sent you these?"
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