You get: Moonflowers / Bone Fragments / Monthly Event Currency I get: Mushrooms / Apples Very good trade :) . . Moonflower | Bone Fragment | Event Currency | sold out | 500 | Silver Coins: 300 | 5 Mushrooms each | 5 Mushrooms each | 20 Mushrooms Each [First 10 days] |
1 apple = 800 mushrooms First come. First serve. Place down the amount you want in this forum post. I'll DM you to confirm your amount and for you to confirm payment. Once I see payment made I'll send over the goods to you. I only accept mushrooms and/or apples at the moment. Sorry.
Usual online time: 9pm - 11am (in game time) Updates: Price adjustments [Please refer to the new table above] ------------ Form
Pack number/ID: Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments/Event Currency: Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost:
Edited at January 1, 2025 09:12 AM by Owsla
The store is closed for now. Currently on partial hiatus, if I restocked I'll notify here ^^
Thanks so much for the support!
Pack number/ID: 306943 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments: 15 Moonflowers 15 BoneFragments Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 120 Mushrooms
Pack number/ID: 259849 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments: 3200 bone fragments :3 Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 6 apples + 4800 mush
| |
Approved and sent Silver Winter Pack said: Pack number/ID: 306943 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments: 15 Moonflowers 15 BoneFragments Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 120 Mushrooms
Approved and sent Inferno Abyss said: Pack number/ID: 259849 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments: 3200 bone fragments :3 Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 6 apples + 4800 mush
Edited at November 27, 2023 08:36 PM by Owsla
Pack number/ID: 307909 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments/Event Currency: event currency 500 Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 1000
Voided HazelGrump said: Pack number/ID: 307909 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments/Event Currency: event currency 500 Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 1000
Pack number/ID: 272638 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments/Event Currency: 3,985 moonflowers Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 50 apples
Accepted and sent (amount of apples paid changed to 25) Christmas Angel said: Pack number/ID: 272638 Desired Moonflower/BoneFragments/Event Currency: 3,985 moonflowers Total Mushrooms/Apples Cost: 50 apples
Edited at December 5, 2023 10:05 PM by Owsla