Interactive Bird Adopts
This adopt shop is co-owned by I, Moonlight Wolf, and Dawnforest. Thank you Dawnforest for making the lines ^^
A bead of sweat slides off your cheek as you continue trekking through the boiling rainforest. You pull your hat off your head to fan yourself before pushing aside some vines. You are surprised to find a panda and an emerald green snake. The panda takes a bite of bamboo then speaks. "Hello, I am Fei. Welcome to my shop."
"Your shop?" you ask.
"Yes, here you can buy the equipment you need to capture a bird as your companion."
You are silent for a moment. You have heard of these birds that only live deep in the rainforest. Then the snake twists around a branch and lowers its head so it is eye level with you. "No, don't lissten to Feiii. My name isss Octaviusss and I have lived here my entire life. I know thiss place from top to bottom. I can help you more than Fei can. Come to my shop."
Fei stares at Octavius. "My way is easier and quicker."
"But my way meanss there'ss a higher chance of a rarer bird," Octavius interrupts.
So who do you go to?
* means you need this
Fei's shop
*Bird cage - 10 mush
*Bird trap - 10 mush
Seeds - 5 mush
Corn - 5 mush
Berries - 5 mush
Worms - 5 mush
Octavius' shop
*Bird cage - 10 mush
*Bird trap - 10 mush
Machete (just in case...) - 5 mush
Boots (in case of mud) - 5 mush
Mouse - 5 mush
Berries - 5 mush
Keyring - 5 mush
Mangoes - 5 mush
(You can purchase machete or boots anytime if you need to)
Items: all 5 mush
Purple mushroom - captures a female bird
Red mushroom - captures a male bird
Moss - capture a bird with warm colours
Lily - capture a bird with cool colours