
This is a 1x1 between Swiftfire clan and Graywing. Please do not post if you are not one of us but feel free to read along.
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Name: Calisto Age: 3 years Gender: Male Apperance: Calisto is a pure white lion with bright aqua eyes with one scarred and clouded. His back is lined with gray-brown stripes like a tiger and his muzzle is a dusty gray. Occasionally, you will see small black flecks in his pelt, tail, and paws. His legs have black rings aroung them while his underbelly is a speckled light-and-dark gray. His ears are black tipped and spotted with gray. Calisto's mane is small, not yet full grown. It is a dark gray-brown, with streaks of brown in it. Personality: Calisto is usually calm but can get aggravated very quickly if you mess up his fur (If you know what I mean). He rises from his sleep with or before the sun and likes to hunt. Calisto will sometimes get agrivated when he feels like things aren't going to plan; especially when he misses a hunt catch. Sometimes staying up all night, he will watch the sun rise and set. Calisto usually keeps to imrself when it comes to secrets. Crush: None Offspring: None Mate: None Strengths: - Swiftness - - Darkness - - Hearing - - Fighting and Hunting Skills - Weaknesses: - Swimming - - Loud Noises - - Eagles - - The Stench of Blood - Edited at June 21, 2024 10:10 AM by SwiftfireClan

Name: Misty Age: 4 years Gender: Female Apperance: Misty has beautiful tan fur, however, for some reason her bab spots never fully dissapeared. Her eyes are a stunning amber-gray color. She is missing part of her left ear making her partly deaf. On her back left paw she has a cute little white spot in the shape of a heart. Her ears are almost completly black with a few small and tan speckles. Personality: Misty is very up-beat and spunky. She enjoys playing with the cubs in the pack and is the main babysitter when needed. She allways helps someone if they are feeling sad. Misty tries to allways keep a good atitude. Misty hates when others bully or fight with her pack. She can no longer hunt well because of her ear but loves helping defend her pack. Crush: None Cubs: None Mate: None Strengths: - Patience - - Very social - - Sight - - Fighting - Weaknesses: - Climbing - - Impatient - - Hearing - - lacks attention to detail -
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Misty padded through the grasslands. Everyone elsa was out hunting but she couldn't join because of her ear. Most days she just wandered around, waiting for them to get back. At least there would be cubs soon, she would be able to help take care of them and feel slightly less useless.
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Calisto ran through the savanna, his powerful legs kicking up dirt and sand as he galloped. He slowed, tasting the air. He had come close to the pride's borders that lived here. He gazed around the barren land, watching the creatures of the savanna roam free. He roared, letting it ring all around. To let the pride know that he was still there. To let them know that he could take the pride when he was ready.

Misty rolled her eyes as she heard the roar. Calisto had been born in the pack but like most other males was exiled. Everyone knew he would be the one to overthrow the current male and take over. Misty decided to head back to the den, surely the others would be back by now. She snarled at a passing hyena but decided not to engage.
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Calisto sat on his haunches. Nobody really had cared when he left, like most the males. He lifted his nose, tasting the wind for prey. The savanna was long and barren, but sometimes he got a glimpse of a jungle, though he didn't go into it. The jungle held many things, from the sounds coming from it every night. He turned away from the border and looked around the barren land.