as archer had finished looking at emilia, emi looked around and saw a rather large brownish, grey tabby cat. this cat looked to be way bigger than emi herself, which was weird because all of the other cats were smaller, around emi's size just a tad bit bigger. perhaps this was archer's mate, if archer was the lead cat? emi had no clue and she didn't wanna have a clue, as she was always a quiet and independent cat. as the big cat stood up and made his way over to emi and archer, he introduced himself as grey. infact, this cat did not seem like a female cat, or act like one. emi wasn't a wild cat so she obviously didn't know how wild cats acted or their roles or whatever, but it wasn't her place. she got a weird feeling from the cat but looked away as the male walked away from the two.
emi had thought she was done with grey before archer called him over again. grey, again. whatever. i guess i'll just ask archer if i could help in any way? em thought as archer ordered grey to collect supplies to make her a den. as emi watched grey walk away she turned her attention back to archer. "i really am greatful you're letting me stay here, is there any way i can help you to make up for it? i can do almost anything" she suggested, before sitting down and waiting for his reply.
"uh, you can just hang around for now, get to know each of the cats. once you feel you're ready to start working you may help the hunters gather food, and if you're up early enough tomorrow you may go on the morning patrol. i suggest you get some rest soon though, it seems you've been, and lost a lot today." grey assured. emi was happy he had accepted her, but she wanted to get to know grey more. her pumpkin orange eyes shined in the sun as she nodded and walked away, looking around at the other cats who layed in the clearing and deciding on a cat she wanted to introduce herself to. hearing meows of kits coming from the left side of her, she decided she would go into there and ask if she could help in any way, assuming the mums of the kits would be tired out and needing assistance from another feline.
as the cat entered a hole she saw maybe two to three other queens nursing baby kits. standing at the opening, she wanted to introduce herself then and there but chose to stay quiet and approach one of the queens first. choosing to walk over to a brown and white tabby cat, with about four kits nursing silently beneath her. "hello, i'm emilia, i just talked to archer and he approved my stay, i was wondering if i could maybe help around in here?" she asked, sure not to awake the wee kits.
"emilia," the mum began. "i'm iris, these are my kits figaro, ariel, alice and ripley" she smiled. "i'm glad archer allowed you to stay, it gets quiet sometimes and i could use some company" iris added, genuinely seeming happy emi was there.