Welcome to Incarnate Kennels!
Lines by aviciousfox
This shop houses several wolves and wolf-hybrids that are looking for a new good home. Some designs may include small snippets of information about the canine (this information of course can be changed or even completely removed upon purchase). Most designs will stick to more natural colors, but there will be exceptions at times! Here at Incarnate Kennels, we also house some public studs and broods! More information on them can be found below! Feel free to have a look around!
Note: 1 Apple = 850 mush
Table of Contents
1. Basic rules and Breeding Rules
2. Forms
3. Premades
4. Studs & Broods
Basic Rules
1. Please do not order if you do not have the available funds! Adopts will be sent via pm after payment is sent!
2. You do not have to have a TH to purchase, but please credit me there for the design. Link here: Toyhouse
3. Be kind to one another and in general please be respectful
4. There is no limit on how many adopts you buy at one time as long as the funds are available
Breeding Rules/Info
1. Only a male and female canine can produce offspring, do not submit a breeding form if you do not have adopts of the opposite gender.
Note: Prices are individual to each stud and brood
2. You may breed one of your previous adopts to a stud or brood, OR you may choose one stud and one brood to breed together. (the total for this is both the stud and brood fee combined)
3. You may buy ONE breeding item which allows you to choose how many pups you get in a litter. If you choose not to buy an item, the number of pups will be randomly generated. No more than 3 pups can be had in a litter.
4. You can select items that allow you to choose the gender of some or all of the pups in the litter. If no items are chosen, the gender of the pups will be randomly generated.
5. Studs and broods will be on rotation every game year. Once a game year has completed, both sets will be rotated out.
6. You may choose to make your adopt a future stud/brood if you'd like! If this is something you'd like to do, send me a dm requesting such and the link to the adopt. Said adopt will then be put up for brood/stud along with the other public studs/broods. If your adopt is bred, you will recieve the mush from their fee. Once their time as a stud/brood is up, they will be removed from the public listing!
Adopt Form
Pack Name/#:
Adopt #:
TH user (if you have one):
Total/Form of Payment:
Breeding Form
Note: Parents can be both a public stud/brood, both of your own previously bought adopts, or one public stud/brood and one of your own previously bought adopts
Pack Name/#:
Stud/Brood Name (parent one):
Parent 2:
Item 1 (optional):
Item 2 (optional):
TH user (if you have one):
Total/Form of Payment: