
Nestled within a sparse forest laid an old-looking cabin, the oak wood slightly rotting away, yet didn't exactly look abandoned. A sign hung above the doorframe, reading; 'Cain's Canix Cabin'. Curious, you decide to see if anyone was home, opening the door, it creaking as it did so. The cabin looked suspiciously bigger inside, various notes of barking and howling erupted within the place. A blur of white and green whizzed past before backtracking, long ears perked, "Oh! Sorry, I didn't realise I had a visitor," the strange looking canine apologised, "Where are my manners? My name is Cain, the owner of this fine establishment." Upon your question of what exactly this place was, he replied, "I rescue Canixes, and adopt them out. I also offer guided rescues where you can come along!" Rules - don't steal the designs -don't rush me -send payment AFTER i have confirmed that you have captured/adopted a canix -credit my TH (ThunderStruckAlready) or my WP if used off site example of a Canix; Cain "You want to see the form for a guided rescue?" Cain inquired before ushering you over to a chair after your nod, hurriedly grabbing a form and pen, passing it over to you. Edited at July 16, 2024 05:38 PM by Thunder Struck

interactive info Canixes come in three different rarities - common, rare and legendary - and have different qualities. Most have a mechanical limb (only the front right for now), higher rarities have more chance for a mutation (horns, shorter tail, etc) and more colours/markings. For example, Cain is technically common. anyways areas fields | 10 mush (common) | forest | 12 mush (common & rare) | mountains | 16 mush (rare & legendary) | marsh | 16 mush (chance for all) | items rope | free (used to capture 1 canix, cannot stack) | double lead | 6 mush (captures 2 canixes, cannot stack) | meat bait | 5 mush (attracts canixes when put down) | stick | 4 mush (able to capture shot canix by guiding them along, chance that canix will run off) | dye | 10 mush (can choose/change one or two colours) | carrot | 10 mush (choose markings) | antler | 10 mush (changes gender, will come into play when breeding is added) | potion | 15 mush (adds a random mutation) | bone | 30 mush (guaranteed rare Canix) | hare | 50 mush (guaranteed legendary Canix) | form packname & #: area: items: other: total: Edited at July 16, 2024 05:28 PM by Thunder Struck

adoptables huh, nothing is available just yet, check back later!

interactive list Salom_ 3042398 | mountain rope, meat bait (unused) unpaid - 72 mush | Aspen Forest 314354 | mountains double lead, meat bait, potion, bone unpaid - 72 mush | | | | | | | | | updates - breeding soon -more mechanical stuff soon maybe Edited at July 18, 2024 08:56 AM by Thunder Struck



packname & #: Salom_, pack #3042398 area: mountains (16) items: rope (0), meat hair (5) other: total: 21 Edited at July 17, 2024 10:07 AM by Salom_

packname & #: Aspen Forest #314354 area: Mountains items: Double lead, meat bait, Potion, Bone other: total: 72 Mush

both accepted ^^ Salom_ said: packname & #: Salom_, pack #3042398 area: mountains (16) items: rope (0), meat hair (5) other: total: 21
Aspen Forest said: packname & #: Aspen Forest #314354 area: Mountains items: Double lead, meat bait, Potion, Bone other: total: 72 Mush

Salom_ & Aspen Forest Cain walks out of the cabin and heads forward, before taking a sharp right turn into a clearing. You almost miss the turn but luckily the canix alerted you before you carried on straight down. It takes a few minutes to arrive where you wanted to go but, you made it. The two of you stand at the bottom of a mountain range with three narrow paths awaiting you. The left is noticeably wider and a shorter walk than the others. The middle is longer but it ends on the bigger mountain. The right one winds up the side of the mountain, dangerous really.
a) go to the left b) go to the midddle c) go to the right d) ask Cain's opinion e) your choice (let's just ignore that it starts the same, but the options all have different endings if you get me)