Canines And House cats only.
I have school so I may not respond quickly but I will respond as soon as possible
note: maximum characters for one art piece is 4
extra characters in your art will be an extra 10 mush
Drawing options are
Traditional: 100 mush depends on complexity
Digital: 49 mush
Head shot (depending on complexity) will be 70 mush
Fullbody (depending on complexity) will be 100
shading options
no shading 0 mush
minimal shading 10 mush ( ex: inside of the ears and eyes and parts of the body)
fully shaded 40 mush (whole body shaded with one light source)
no background o mush
simple or pattern background 10 mush
scene elements 40 mush
full scene 100 mush
full scene with multiple characters denpending on complexity of each character and scene can range from 500 mush to 1 apple
Pack forum
Pack Name or number:
Character Reference sheet (no descriptions):
Headshot or full body:
Traditional or digital:
background type:
shading type:
Extra characters:
total mush