Hi hi, I used to love ocelot markings. But you can't search for them in the trading post and I typically go with the cheapest options and for a while now they haven't had ocelot markings, and if they have my wolves haven't inherited them.
I'm trying to breed them back into my pack as soon as possible, so if you have a 40AC or higher rarity stud that has ocelot and I can breed to it, I'd love it if you posted them here! <3
Maybe a breeding partner or two would be great as well, pm me for that ^^
40 AC is the lowest I can go, so 39 or lower I'll have to ignore. I'd love heros or pretty good vitals added in if possible but I'm mainly breeding for rarity. AC means all common for those who don't know, so if the nose is say.. peach, it doesn't count.
I don't mind if you end up PMing me for this but I don't pay attention to my PMs much and end up forgetting to respond so posting here will get a quicker response!