Tynal Fin
~Full name~
Tynalisum Caurtac Finulas
Bio-Fem, Enby
Demi-Girl, Aro-Ace, Queer, Enby
Teleportation, magic, element control, etc.
Xey like to hike with xer friends, and it makes xem happy. It's probably the only thing that does, because xey have depression. Xey hate everything, except xer girlfriend. Xey hate to be lonely, but hate people, so xey have pets and a girlfriend. Xer personaility is mostly sarcasm. Xey are made up of 5 things; Sarcasm, I-Don't-Care, Emo-Assed-B!tch, Sadness, and Anger.
~Medical/Mental health issues~
ADHD; ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood.
Autism;Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave.
EDS; Super strechy skin, and it hurts a lot of the time.
Turettes; You have tics. Tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things.
OCD; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a common, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thought and/or behaviors.
Dysgraphia; You can't write in a straight line, you forget or mess up words, and your handwriting size increases or decreases.
Xer hair is short, but thick and wavey. Xey constently dye xer hair, making Brad Mondo cry. Right now, xer hair is a teal, with blonde peaking out at the roots. Xey are 5" 4' and have a slim build. Xey have an emo/alt/punk vibe, and don't care what others say about it. Xey have long legs and a thin waist. Xer face is circular, and makes all the features pop.
+Doesn't care about what anyone says about xem
+Emo/alt/punk cosplays
+Great memory
+Neat freak
-Doesn't care what anyone says about xem
-Hates to do anything with more then 5 people (IE, most parties)
-Hates social media
-Loves animals but is allergic to them
-Anger issues
-Neat freak
~Small backstory~
Xey lived with xer parents, and got kicked out in middle school when xey came out. Xey moved in with xer older brother, who helped xer get medications for Autism, Turettes, and EDS. Xey want to get a GET to graduate early.
-Talking to people
-People hitting on xem
-People chewing
Xey have an entire playlist with over 10,000 songs.