Evangeline James Byrd
Bisexual, leans heavily towards women
March 16th
Lavender, incense, tobacco
Evie is a bit tall for a woman, standing at somewhere around 5'6. She's a slim woman with slightly tanned skin that's dotted with freckles. Her hair is black and is in between being curly and wavy. It falls just below her shoulder blades. She has a slightly sharp jawline and full lips, paired with an upturned nose.
Her eyes are doe-like and framed by long black lashes. Her eyes are a pale green flecked with a darker green, and a little bit of brown. She has rounded brows that she tries her best to maintain. She has freckles along her jaw, scattered on her nose and cheeks, and a few stray ones on her forehead. She has faint freckles all over the rest of her body, prominent on her chest and back.
Evie is a pretty woman, save for the scars littered around her body. The most prominent one is a clean scar going across the front of her throat. It was caused by her own stupidity, an accident with a knife. She also has two fang marks on the right side of her neck, the classic mark of a vampire.
She hides her scar and the marks with necklaces, or simply with her hair. She has one necklace she never takes off, it's a silver tarot card necklace with 'The Lovers' card engraved into it. It has a little charm with her zodiac sign on it, and when it clinks against the necklace, it makes a sound similar to the bell on a cat's collar. She has a septum piercing as well as two ear piercings.
Evie is a very kind and non-judgmental woman. She is quite caring and almost motherly in a way. Though she can be a bit of an airhead or an ignorant person, she will never say anything rude on purpose. She always works out issues or conflicts she has with another person, and does so peacefully without any violence or anger unless it's necessary.
She will never raise her voice at anyone, but also wont hesitate to correct them or argue with them about something they said. Evie will also never get snippy with someone no matter how much she wants to, it's just in her nature.
She's pretty positive and tries to keep everyone's spirits up, even if she can come off as annoying by doing so. She's very social and enjoys talking and spending time with people, even if she's just sitting in silence with them. She loves physical touch, even if it's just knees brushing together or hands slightly touching.
Evie believes that everybody is worthy of love and a second chance unless they prove otherwise. She cannot hate anyone or hold grudges, but she definitely can resent people. Evie is incredibly observant, she always notices if someone's in a bad mood or if something is off. She is quite intuitive, and is rarely wrong when she makes an assumption or feels like something isn't right.
Evie is a very romantic woman. She spoils her significant other with gifts and attention. Her main love languages physical touch, quality time, and gift giving. She will give them little things that she found or bought simply because it reminded her of them. She loves to cuddle and will always somehow be touching her significant other, even just slightly. Evie plans tons of dates, romantic nights out or in, and just little get togethers.
- Birds
- Cats
- Autumn
- Company
- Exploring
- Collecting things
- Arrogant people
- Hot weather
- Yelling and being yelled at
- Squirrels
- Changes in routine
- Passive aggressive jokes