“Hello again! This is where you can pair your doe up with a buck, or put your buck up for stud, maybe you’d like to pair one of your does to one of your bucks? Perhaps you’ve come to sell a goat. Whatever you want, I can help.” The women who greeted you when you went on an adventure watched you as you walked through the door.
It costs 20 mushrooms to breed. There might be some bucks up here occasionally that you can use instead of one of yours. Bucks can breed 4 times a wolfplay year, reset spring. If you put up a Buck, I’ll send you mushrooms if anyone breeds to them, you do not get any of the kids. Does can breed once a year. Pregnancy is around 4-5 days. Kids grow up fully 1-2 wp years after being born, 1 year old on spring 1 even if born winter 3. Kids cannot breed until they have their adult form/art. All kids after growing up will have a link to their kid image on description in TH. Each kid also has a chance to grow a beard, more or less likely if their parents have them or not. Bloodlines are tracked, I will alert you if inbreeding, if you say to go ahead, you will have a max of 3 kids, higher chances of defects. You cannot use goats you haven't got from my goat interactive. You also cannot breed while you are in an adventure, but can go out when a doe is pregnant. You can if you’re on waitlist. Payment is preferred after doe gives birth, but not nessasary.
You may choose to put up any one or multiple of your goats for sale here as well. If one is bought, all mush is sent to me, no tax or anything, just the price you set for it you will receive. No max price either, but recommended not to go too high. If you don't have a pasture/at least one goat, you cannot buy a goat.
Anyway, if you sell a goat, it's the new owner's and theirs ONLY. This is not the only way you can sell your goats, of course. If you do sell your goats a different way, do tell me so I can remove then from your pasture.