Acornclan said:
Depends, really
If they got lots a health and will last longer than two attacks, I might name em something, more likely if I have two of them though.
I find it pointless to name them because they always die in literally the first battle I bring them into. Consider the fact that my team usually takes about 100 points of damage per attack at Jungle 60. Add to that, all Explore Enemies get to hit twice when I have a familiar - the first attack is against a wolf, the second attack is against the Familiar.
As a result, I've never had any Familiar last longer than one Explore session other than Giant Pandas.
A lot of people just use them as eye candy for their den being pretty as a result, and since they're not actually fighting anything then they don't die. But like Acorn said, only if they last the day and are still alive, I sometimes name them something generic (like "Bird") and just then leave them there for the rest of their lives lol