
I was wondering what this symbol (+) beside my wolf's name (Shale) meant? She doesn't have any injuries and as far as I can tell there's no difference between her and my other wolves (outside of her Wisdom boost, which I don't think impacts this.) She is a hero, but this symbol doesn't appear beside the name of the other hero I have. Edited at June 29, 2022 09:31 PM by Bearger

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Sounds like you may have given them an explore boost or feather of some sort.

Hmm, how long do feathers usually last on wolves? The only ones I recall using (beyond robin feathers) on my females are ptarmigan. I don't believe I've used any other items on them.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I don't quite recall which items give a temporary explore boost unfortunately. Snowy Owl feathers give a battle boost for 20 moves. Various Chrysalis also give various boosts for 20 moves.

I'll keep an eye on it then and see if it disappears after a while of exploring. Thank you! EDIT: Yep, looks like I put something on her and forgot about it. It seems to have disappeared with a bit of exploring. Edited at June 29, 2022 10:51 PM by Bearger