|~| Otaiku |~|
Name; Otaiku Kamau Pemphero.
Shortened Name; Otaiku.
Nickname(s); Whatever you can think of.
Caste; Academic Fector.
In public, not many people know him. He’s sort of just there, he doesn’t get into the habit of talking to strangers on the street. His coworkers know him to be kind though, a hard worker
and a good person.
Within friend groups, he tends to be the one that everyone rants to about their problems. He’s a great listener and often tries to help in any way that he can. He’ll give advice, he’ll be a shoulder to cry on, or he’ll just sit with you and allow you to do what you need to do. Whatever that may be. He’ll never disrespect someone’s boundaries, not unless he has good reason to believe that it would help in some way. Or sound reason to believe that a certain boundary is doing more harm than good.
Within the group, he’s known to be fair and just. Impartial, keeping the peace between members, and a powerful speaker. Despite how much he’d rather say he isn’t one. He gets along well with practically anyone, and when issues arise in the group, he’s listening to both sides and trying to fix the issue for everyone involved.
Rank; 1st in Command.
15-foot Aura Field.
Otaiku can create a shield around himself and others, the larger it is the easier it is to break. He can also change its shape and make it into a more stereotypical one that you hold.
He can give himself and others boosts to confidence or take away confidence. More confidence would make someone louder, more projected, and less hesitant to take risks. The opposite is true of less confidence. Unfortunately, both only last for up to an hour.
Cybernetic Parts; None.
Age; 34.
Birthday; October 8th.
Blood Type; A+.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Pansexual.
Mono/Ambi/Poly; Ambi.
Alignment; Lawful Good.

(Credits to lof@[email protected])
6'6” | 200 lbs(13% Body Fat) | Espresso Skin/Neutral Undertones | Cyan Blue Right Eye/Yellow Amber Left Eye | Eyebags |Circular Glasses | Diamond-Faced | Plenty Amount of Freckles | Meso-Ectomorph | Confident/Calm Presence | Short Haircut | Dyed, Straightened Dark Blue Hair | Straight Nose | Lobe & Helix Piercings
Voice; His voice isn’t high and squeaky, but it also isn’t low and gruff. It’s a smooth, medium pitched voice that’s easy to listen to. He tends to speak quieter and softer8, though through the group he’s learned to project more.
Handwriting; His handwriting is legible print most of the time. He knows how to write in cursive, he just prefers print because more people know how to read it compared to cursive. His letters are evenly spaced out, though they do tend to be on the smaller side.
Patient / Hesitant / Polite / Indecisive / Calm / Somewhat Gullible / Rational / Somewhat Judgmental / Altruistic / Passive / Wise / Withdrawn / Sympathetic / Apprehensive / Thoughtful / Extremely Forgiving / Mature / Ambivert / Trustworthy / Somewhat Flaky / Great Listener / Considerate / Alert / Determined / Poised / Fair / Neat / Collected / Attentive / Peacemaker / Organized / Tactful / Idealistic / Hard-Working / Loyal / Gentle / Conflict Averse / Honest / Understanding / Ambitious / Compassionate / Agreeable / Awkward / Modest / Impartial / Anxious / Sensible / Supportive / Gracious / Quiet / Cautious / Humble / Protective / Diplomatic / Cooperative / Communicative / Judicial / Sentimental
Likes; History, Writing, Reading, Peace/Quiet, Children, Food, Hiking, and Nature.
Dislikes; Arguing/Conflict, Caste System, Abuse, Public Speaking, Large Crowds, Pressure, Loud Noises, and Failure.
Strengths; Public Speaking(oh the irony), Patient, Diplomatic, Understanding Emotions, Peacemaker, Rational, Writing, and Listening.
Weaknesses; Anxious, Apprehensive, Way Too Forgiving, Passive, Conflict Averse, Insomnia, Social Settings, and Too Trusting.
Fears/Phobias; Failing his team. Not just as a leader, but as a friend too.
Immune System; His immune system is in peak condition.
Allergies; None.
Addictions; None.
Mental Health; Insomnia, Mild PTSD, Mild Anxiety, and Mild Depression.
Physical Health; He’s in great shape at the moment, with a lot more muscle than he used to have, which is a more recent development. Other than that, he is near-sighted.
Left/Right/Ambidextrous; Right-Handed.
Anti-Gravity by RUNAGROUND.
Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab.
Be Somebody by Thousand Foot Krutch.
Revolution by The Score.
Renegades by X Ambassadors.
Someday by Nickelback.
If Everyone Cared by Nickelback.
Lullaby by Nickelback.
Johnny Boy by Twenty One Pilots.
Screen by Twenty One Pilots.
Guns for Hands by Twenty One Pilots.
Chosen Ones by Mountains vs. Machines.
Heroes of Today by Once Monsters.
Why Worry by Set It Off.
Take It Out On Me by Thousand Foot Krutch.
Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch.
Affiliations; TBD.
Occupation; Historian.
|~| Promachus |~|
Name; Promachus Gabriel Valiant.
Shortened Name; Promachus. Agent Valiant.
Nickname(s); Gabe. Whatever you come up with. Fair warning, he may punch you. Or a wall. Hopefully a wall.
Caste; Enforcer Fector.
At the workplace, he’s seen as an efficient worker. A cold, distant, glaring force that no one can stop. He’s well respected, and whenever the higher ups have to send someone on special cases, they send him. If they have to send someone up to the capital for a government level job, they send him. Very few don’t know of his anger, a hole in the wall from when colleagues didn’t come back that the station simply decided to not fix, because it’d only get punched again later, showcases his anger better than anything else. A constant reminder to not upset this harsh, unstoppable enforcer. A perfect example of what the world looks for in enforcers.
Outside of the workplace? Some look to him with fear due to his caste and job, most respect him, and few try to make conversation. Even with friends, it’s rare to see him smiling. He has a constant frown, constantly searching eyes for possible weaknesses, strengths, advantages, disadvantages, weapons, and escapes. Closer friends, while still rare for him to smile, he at least doesn’t look like he’s constantly judging them.
Within the group, he’s probably seen as the ‘mom friend’. Overprotective, scolding, and just overall being a typical ‘helicopter mom’. He has perfected the disappointed look, and usually tries to keep his anger in check for them. No promises though, this man is still an angry, wall punching, table flipping, harsh force to be reckoned with.
Rank; 2nd in Command.
3-foot Aura Field.
Promachus can see the most successful course of action in any scenario using the information given to him. He can see how everyone around him is most likely to respond and how those responses ricochet off of one another. Basically, show him what’s going on somewhere and he can tell you what looks like the best idea. Usually, he’s right on the money too.
Alter Gravity
Exactly what it sounds like. Promachus can alter the gravity of everything and everyone around him. This includes making gravity lighter and heavier. He can push people onto the ground, change the direction of gravity for people and items, and cause people to float upwards. It is done by contact, at least for the initial change. Changing it back does not require contact.
Cybernetic Parts;
Left Eye.
Left Hand to Middle of Forearm.
Right Leg.
Hidden Guns in Palm and Back of Left Hand.
Age; 28.
Birthday; April 23rd.
Blood Type; B-.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Demi-Sapiosexual.
Mono/Ambi/Poly; Ambi, leans towards Mono.
Alignment; Lawful Neutral.

(Credits to lof@[email protected])
6’5” | 215 lbs of Pure Muscle(10% Body Fat) | Fair Skin/Warm Undertones | Blue Eyes | Eyebags | Sharp/Defined Square-Faced | No Freckles | Mesomorph | Confident/Firm/Dominating Presence | Perfect Posture | Short Haircut(It’s grown out of his standard military haircut at the moment, and he’s still upset about that) | Cybernetic Left Arm, Right Leg, and Left Eye | Scars At Left Eye, Scar At Torso, Scars Along Right Arm From Training/Working | Blonde Hair | Straight Nose | Lobe & Helix Piercings
Voice; Promachus’ voice is low and deep. He sounds gruff, gravelly, and smooth all in one. His voice is almost always clear and firm, one that demands attention and being listened to.
Handwriting; He writes in print, perfectly legible print. It gives off vibes of being serious, even when it isn’t about something dire. It’s very professional; easy to read, easy to write, easy to understand. Well, as long as they have some form of education higher than junior high.
Dominant / Controlling / Independent / Headstrong / Determined / Unruly / Courageous / Overprotective / Confident / Somewhat Impulsive / Enduring / Rigid / Sensible / Demanding / Responsible / Dogmatic / Loyal / Anger Issues / Visionary / Vindictive / Dedicated / Paranoid / Meticulous / Opinionated / Realistic / Harsh / Reliable / Impatient / Hard-Working / Pessimistic / Practical / Rude / Serious / Possessive / Strong-Willed / Workaholic / Assertive / C-PTSD / Observant / Obsessive / Organized / Cold / Mature / Distant / Logical / Cynical / Firm / Resilient / Strict / Grounded / Uncompromising / Dependable / Short-Tempered / Secure / Secretive / Steadfast / Callous / Trustworthy / Aggressive / Diligent / OCPD / Irritable / Resourceful / Ambitious / Bold / Anti-Social / Analytical / Reserved / Efficient / Judgmental / Sarcastic / Perfectionist
Likes; Order, Rules, Lists, Control, People Listening, Getting Stuff Done, and Exercise.
Dislikes; Disorder/Messes, Imperfection, People Not Listening, Inactivity, Emotions, Sudden/Loud Noises(Sometimes Background Noise), Children, and Most People.
Strengths; Physical Strength/Fighting, Athletic, Aim, Strategy, Detail-Oriented, Logical, Realistic, and Resourceful.
Weaknesses; Vindictive, Anger Issues, Harsh, Possessive, Obsessive, Uncompromising, Cold, and Controlling.
Fears/Phobias; Losing the people he cares about, Failing the people he cares about, Having the chance to save someone and not taking it, and Not having control over a situation.
Immune System; It’s in perfect shape, most of the time. When it fails though, it fails.
Allergies; None.
Addictions; None.
Mental Health; Insomnia, C-PTSD, OCPD, mild to severe Depression.
Physical Health; As one could expect from someone with a physically active job, he’s in great shape.
Left/Right/Ambidextrous; Left-Handed.
Angry Too by Lola Blanc.
Fading Memories by Famous Last Words.
Calm Down by Krewella.
Who Am I by Besomorph & RIELL.
Push by Thousand Foot Krutch.
Migraine by Twenty One Pilots.
Vendetta by UNSECRET & Krigarè.
I Am the Fire by Halestorm.
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.
Revenge, And a Little More by Unlike Pluto.
Let ‘em Burn by NOTHING MORE.
Right Left Wrong by Three Days Grace.
Scars by No name faces.
Weight of the World by Citizen Soldier.
CHAINSAW BLOOD (English) by Will Stetson.
Affiliations; TBD.
Occupations; Religious Enforcer and Government Level Investigator. Being a religious enforcer is actually one of the main reasons he started questioning his own faith.
|~| Raphael |~|
Name; Raphael Omri Hariph.
Shortened Name; Raphael. Doctor Hariph.
Nickname(s); Raph. Whatever else you come up with.
Caste; Healer Fector.
Raphael’s reputation is that of being one of the best doctors around. Any patients of his will recommend him, though warn people of how snarkily cold he can be. He’s a hard worker, and definitely appreciated by those in the hospital for his abilities, willingness to help whoever needs it, and getting things done when they need to be done.
Within the group, he’s probably seen as an older brother figure. Protective, snarky, sarcastic, and yet supportive. The one to dress one’s wounds, put them to bed, help them with homework, and yet tease them at every corner. He has threatened to throw things at a few of them whenever they didn’t leave him alone or were being incredibly obnoxious or loud. His bedside manners still suck, but at least it’s obvious he cares for all of them.
Rank; Chief Medical.
5-foot Aura Field.
If a patient describes a symptom or is wounded, Raphael can immediately make an accurate diagnosis for whatever is causing the issue and what needs to be done. This doesn’t work if the patient either isn’t visibly wounded/hurt or doesn’t describe the issue.
Blood Transfusion
Raphael can change his blood type or other properties within his blood. Called Blood Transfusion as that’s what he mostly uses it for. Blood Transfusions, so that patients can get the exact type of blood they’re losing. If the patient has something in their blood, then he may recommend a blood transfusion so he can give them what’s essentially their blood without the issue in it.
Cybernetic Parts;
Right Eye.
Age; 33.
Birthday; September 5th.
Blood Type; Varies.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Demisexual.
Mono/Ambi/Poly; Ambi.
Alignment; Lawful Neutral.

(Credits to lof@[email protected])
5’10” | 160 lbs(17% Body Fat) | Pale Beige Skin/Warm Undertones | Blue/Green(Sectoral Heterochromia) Eyes | Eyebags | Diamond-Faced | Light Dust of Freckles | Ectomorph | Calm/Confident Presence | Short Haircut | Cybernetic Right Eye | Scar at Cheek, Old Scars at Inner Forearms | Ginger Hair Starting to Gray | Smaller, Straight Nose | Lobe & Helix Piercings
Voice; Raphael’s voice is on the lower end of the spectrum, slightly gruffer than what one would expect. It’s gravelly in a sort of soothing way too. His voice isn’t quiet enough to be missed, but it also isn’t loud enough to hurt someone’s ears. He’s had to learn how to speak with good diction, constantly calm(if not sometimes tired/bored) tone, and careful volume as a doctor.
Handwriting; As with every doctor in existence, his handwriting is practically chicken scratch. Really, it’s just quick, closely spaced cursive handwriting without any added flair. Luckily for those around him, he prefers typing things out and printing it so that’s legible.
Straightforward / Harsh / Realistic / Temperamental / Serious / Skeptical / Reasonable / Stubborn / Supportive / Cold / Mature / Distant / Dependable / Critical / Decisive / Responsible / Uptight / Hard-Working / Sarcastic / Observant / Intelligent / Reliable / Practical / Stressed / Alert / Meticulous / Tired / Restless / Loyal / Balanced / Patient / Protective / Rational / Collected / Calm / Sensible / Blunt / C-PTSD / Snarky / Workaholic / Logical / Self-Aware / Organized / Steadfast / Diplomatic / Confidential / Cautious / Caring
Likes; Helping People, Solitude, Food, Music, Peace/Quiet, People Listening to His Advice, Mature People, and Animals.
Dislikes; Sudden Change, Caste System, Sudden Noise, Abuse of Any Kind, Ignorant People, Most People(the irony), Arguing/Conflict, and People Not Taking His Advice.
Strengths; Medical Knowledge, Supportive, Self-Aware, Organized, Healthy, Honest, Loyal, and Mature.
Weaknesses; Skeptical, Critical, Temperamental, Workaholic, His Bedside Manners, Insomnia, Smoking, and Harsh.
Fears/Phobias; Ha, Irfam has given him so many scares that he’s basically gotten over everything. But, well, he’s still a bit fearful that one day something will happen that he won’t be able to fix with all his medical expertise. That someday someone will be too hurt to help.
Immune System; As one should be able to expect from a doctor, his immune system is in peak condition.
Allergies; Lactose intolerant.
Addictions; Unfortunately, he did pick up smoking at one point. That’s it though, and he makes sure not to do it around children, patients, or anyone he’s aware of at risk of an asthma attack/PTSD episode.
Mental Health; Insomnia and C-PTSD.
Physical Health; His physical health is about as great as one might expect from a doctor getting close to his mid-30s.
Left/Right/Ambidextrous; Ambidextrous.
breathin’ by Thomas Sanders & Foti.
How to Save a Life by The Fray.
Talk to Me by Cavetown.
Fix You by Coldplay.
Wherever You Will Go by The Calling.
The Messenger by Twenty One Pilots.
Friend, Please by Twenty One Pilots.
Neon Gravestones by Twenty One Pilots.
The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance.
One More Light by Linkin Park.
Iridescent by Linkin Park.
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry.
The Scientist by Coldplay.
See You Soon by Coldplay.
Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance.
Affiliations; TBD.
Occupation; Doctor.
|~| Beste |~|
Name; Beste Kusan Wiam.
Shortened Name; Beste.
Nickname(s); Whatever you can come up with!
Caste; Traveler Gration.
As a DJ and Singer, they of course have fans. Beste is probably seen as cool, as someone who made the best of the caste she’s in. He’s lively, open, and confident. Basically what everyone wishes they could be like. So they’ve definitely got a good reputation with strangers and acquaintances.
Within the group, as one of the youngest? He’s probably seen as a younger sibling. Energetic, loud, and enthusiastic. The one to tease everyone, the one to assume things will just be given to her, the one to help out with getting everyone together. Also known to send random messages to everyone that have no apparent meaning other than to annoy them. Not to mention doing impersonations of everyone with the exact voice of that person. Still serious enough to get stuff done, so she’s a good source of moral support and productivity.
Rank; Chief Communications.
10-foot Aura Field.
Beste has the ability to send people one-way messages. People will hear these messages in their head in her voice(unless she uses his other ability), but be unable to respond to them. She can’t read minds, despite popular belief(they totally want to learn how to, since her grandmother had the same ability and could). Unfortunately, at least for now, he can only send messages.
Sound Manipulation
Beste can manipulate everything involving sound. At least for himself. She can change her voice, make it sound doubled, echo, change the frequency, change the volume, change the pitch- You name it and they can do it. He can even make it sound like there’s two people with completely different voices.
Cybernetic Parts; None.
Age; 26.
Birthday; August 12th.
Blood Type; AB+.
Gender; AMAB Pangenderflux. All pronouns.
Sexuality; Pansexual.
Mono/Ambi/Poly; Ambi.
Alignment; Neutral Good.

(Credits to lof@[email protected])
5’5”(They Wear Heels Though) | 115 lbs(14% Body Fat) | Tan Wheat Skin/Cool Undertones | Brown Eyes | (Somehow) No Eyebags | Oval-Faced | Dust of Freckles | Beauty Mark Below Left Eye | Ectomorph | Friendly/Confident Presence | Long Haircut/Ponytail/Down to Hip | Scar at Right Eyebrow, Old Scars at Inner Forearms | Black Hair | Smaller, Straight Nose | Lobe, Helix, & Cartilage Piercings
Voice; It varies. Usually though, they tend to do a very androgynous voice, right in the middle of pitch. An easily projected voice, an easily listened to voice, and easily modified voice. Sometimes, they’ll do a more stereotypical feminine or masculine voice. The way he speaks is a lot less modified, though she does use a ton of slang.
Handwriting; Their handwriting is a legible cursive with a dramatic flair added to it, though he tends to add in a lot of slang in her writing.
Friendly / Dominant / Lively / Stubborn / Carefree / Arrogant / Social / Slightly Childish / Patient / Self-Centered / Responsible / Proud / Thoughtful / Opinionated / Attentive / Dramatic / Creative / Fiery / Dependable / Vain / Caring / Melodramatic / Sarcastic / Sassy / Snarky / Laid-Back / Enthusiastic / Hard-Working / Ambitious / Narrow-Minded / Decisive / Snobbish / Charismatic / Prying / Determined / Warm-Hearted / Somewhat Impulsive / Expressive / Head-Strong / Protective / Possessive / Major Extrovert
Likes; Music, People, Parties, Dancing, Socializing, Singing, Exercise, and Attention.
Dislikes; Solitude, Complete/Utter Silence, The Dark, Boredom, Inactivity, Caste System, Arguing/Conflict, and Failure.
Strengths; Perfect Pitch, Singing, Charismatic, Sass Queen, Decisive, Extremely Physically Flexible, Creativity, and Making Music.
Weaknesses; Physical Strength, Drama King, Arrogance, Possessive, Vain, Narrow-Minded, Pries When They Shouldn’t, and Inflexible.
Fears/Phobias; Beste is probably most afraid of being forgotten, of being left behind, or just dying. That would suck too, especially if it’s slow and painful! No, thank you!
Immune System; You know… It actually doesn’t suck. Her immune system used to be terrible, but it’s gotten a lot better in recent years.
Allergies; None.
Addictions; As with so many other entertainers, Beste has ended up getting into the world of smoking and drinking. Luckily, they haven’t gotten into anything else, and he isn’t a raging alcoholic either.
Mental Health; Other than some rather mild PTSD and mild Insomnia? She’s actually doing rather great.
Physical Health; He’s always been a bit on the thin side, but she’s definitely healthy. They try to have some sort of routine exercise, but sometimes they forget. Though, his work probably makes up for it a bit.
Left/Right/Ambidextrous; Right-Handed.
Headphones by Britt Nicole.
Escape by Megan Nicole.
Good Time by Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen.
Pompeii by Bastille.
Best Day Of My Life by American Authors.
Hometown by Twenty One Pilots.
I’m Not Famous by AJR.
Let the Games Begin by AJR.
Fireflies by Owl City.
American Idiot by Green Day.
High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco.
Thunder by Imagine Dragons.
Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! At The Disco.
Hey Look Ma, I Made It by Panic! At The Disco.
Stomp Me Out by Bryce Fox.
Lane Boy by Twenty One Pilots.
Affiliations; TBD.
Occupation(s); Singer/Entertainer/DJ.
|~| Irfam |~|
Name; Irfam Oryam Ellery.
Shortened Name; Irfam.
Nickname(s); Whatever you can come up with.
Caste; Caste Exempt. (Formerly Enforcer Fector)
His reputation varies on who you ask, some call him crazy, some call him kind, most everyone can at least agree he’s a bit strange, a bit eccentric, compared to everyone else. Many say that he probably shouldn’t have been made exempt, the same ones that call him reckless and insane. But the government’s leaderboards for each career don’t lie, and he’s in the top three(actually is #1, with his lab partner right behind him). Frankly, he doesn’t know the exact spot, he hasn’t checked it since he reached the top five years ago. Given the fact that he lives in his workplace, he only really leaves for food or check-ins with his doctor or to hang out with friends sometimes, so his reputation is mostly made up of whatever is on the news about him(usually about one of his inventions blowing up in his face or a successful invention that is believed to be a great thing) or what people see of him whenever he does leave.
With friends, and sometimes just people in general, they tend to be a jokester, always with a grin that reaches their eyes behind their mask. They’re kind, teasing, and just seemingly happy-go-lucky. They’ll help their friends with anything they need help with, offer advice or invent something to solve the problem. With closer friends, they tend to let more slip about how they’re actually doing.
Rank; Eventual Chief STEM.
Varying Aura Field.
Power Blueprint
Irfam has the ability to see someone’s ability in action and immediately have a mental blueprint for a way to simulate it. Whether that be through a weapon, implants, prosthetic limbs, armor, or some other type of tech/upgrade. Originally, these blueprints were solely mental. Nowadays, they can download the blueprints into their eye that projects blueprints holographically and use that.
Unexpected Success
In every situation he’s handed, he can choose to see what people expect will happen or that he’ll do and how they plan to counter it. Along with this, he can see what they would be totally unprepared for with the highest chance of success in his favor, along with how to execute it properly.
Fire Walls
Any ability that has to do with the brain, heart, or soul cannot get through without either their permission or hacking in. Permissions best, obviously, and the ‘fire walls’ will go down if they give it. For what is essentially hacking in, however, it isn’t that easy given what the ‘fire walls’ are. The ‘fire walls’ themselves are basically like checkpoints or barriers or guards to keep people out of their head, heart, or soul, that will alert them whenever someone tries. And of who tries. Due to their disconnected soul, their soul has slightly less fire walls than the other two(mind and heart) but still has plenty to keep most people out. Whenever the ‘fire walls’ push someone out, it is painful for the one getting pushed out.
Cybernetic Parts;
Both Eyes.
Hands to Upper Shoulders & Neck.
Blast Resistant/Bullet Proof Shields in Forearms & Around Spine.
Pockets in the Right Upper Arm.
Cannon in Left Upper Arm/Shoulder.
Chip in Brain to Turn Off All Pain Receptors.
Chip in Brain to Allow Control Over Aura Field.
Lungs, Stomach, Heart All Have Some Cybernetic Parts Infused.
Currently Working on What’s Essentially Leg/Knee Braces.
Age; 29.
Birthday; March 19th.
Blood Type; O-.
Gender; Demi-Boy. He/They.
Sexuality; Apothi-Apresexual Demiromantic. It’s complicated, put simply.
Mono/Ambi/Poly; Ambi, leans towards Poly.
Alignment; Chaotic Good.

(Credits to lof@[email protected])
Irfam stands rather average at 5' 8”, though they sometimes seem 5’ 6” due to how slouched their posture is. Their skin tone is a pale color with sickly cool undertones. They have practically no freckles too, which doesn’t exactly help them seem healthier.
Irfam has a diamond face shape, meaning they have a smaller forehead and a smaller sharp chin, the middle of their face larger, the whole thing on the more sunken side. Now for the nose, they have a hawk shaped nose, meaning it starts the way the stereotypical normal nose would but then dips down a bit too much.
Their lips… Well, it’s hard to say what they once were, if we’re being honest. They’re usually grinning behind their mask though, smiling. It certainly reaches their eyes, at least. Their lips aren’t very full either, so… Thin? Not like many see them anyways though.
Their eyebrows are rather thin, with practically no arch at all. Finally, their cybernetic eyes are a downturned deepset hooded shape and are heterochromatic. Their left eye is an emerald green, and their right is a red color. The scleras are black and the only true way to tell that they’re cybernetic in the first place, other than the blue seams they have here and there. The green eye can alert them of when their hands are going to jerk or when their legs are going to give out on them seconds before it happens, and their red-orange one can project 3D holograms of the blueprints for their latest inventions. Both are very useful.
Their face is framed by thin black hair that’s usually a total mess. Bed head for days, they’ve given up on getting all of the tangles and cowlicks and craziness out of it for the time being, though it certainly isn’t as bad as it could be. They usually have their hair up in a small ponytail, and it goes down to below the shoulders(but above the middle of their back) when down.
Their body structure could quickly be described as rectangular. Everything about their structure screams that they’re more so built for agility than muscle, if that even. They’re much better suited for inside jobs, in all honesty. They weigh in at 115, with their BMI at 17.48, underweight by 7 pounds. Mostly because they forget meals in preference of inventing, and less meals eaten means more time with their mask on.
For scars… Irfam certainly has quite a few. A burn scar that goes up their right hand to the middle of their upper arm from a fire incident and them not wanting to leave behind one of their work-in-progress inventions. Plenty of small scars on both palms and fingers from their years of tinkering, along with a larger one from an incident with broken glass on their left palm. The gloves they wear usually hide those easily. They have plenty at their legs too, ones that if they are seen and asked about, a simple answer of them being from ‘incidents’ get most to assume they’re from his work too. They don’t really plan on telling anyone what the multitude of those are actually from. They also have one at their chest, it wasn’t deep, only just so for a scar to form, and it goes down the length of their sternum. Frankly, one of the only reasons it scarred was because of how long the blade of glass was there for.
And then, of course, the ones starting at the throat just below the chin and making their way up to right below their nose. Incidents with broken glass have caused odd ones at odd angles at their cheeks and mouth, while incidents with acid have caused the majority of other ones. Blotches at their throat from acid, places where even with their mouth closed you’d be able to see teeth and gums, and blotches at their cheeks- One particularly bad blotch at their right cheek was nearly bad enough to create a gaping hole there to see into their mouth. Luckily, the acid incident is a few years old at this point, so the risk of it doing that suddenly/randomly aren’t as high. They do have a mask that they wear practically at all times that covers all of the scars at their lower face and upper throat.
But, ah, let’s talk about those hands and arms again. After all, they’re cybernetic too. Though, frankly, they tend to hide them in public due to their appearance. Both hands are about 95% cybernetic, made completely by him. But flesh is tangled up in the cybernetic and makes up about 5% of his hands. A gross monstrosity that he refuses to change. Despite the twitches and flinches that his hands and arms have. And his arms aren’t much better either. Again, metal and flesh are intertwined, only now the metal makes up about 85-90% and the flesh makes up 10-15%, up to the elbows where it changes to almost completely metal again(90-97%) until the upper shoulders where it goes to mostly flesh. Where the flesh is about 85-90% and by the neck it’s practically completely flesh(95-97%). The wrist does have a small slit to where he can eat/charge using it, which is very helpful. The forearms have blast resistant shields installed in them for the more explosive experiments, and his right upper arm has small pockets to store things. His left upper arm and lower shoulder have a shoulder cannon installed in it that can come out at a moments notice, purely for self defense or to protect his inventions. The fingers of the hands have tools they can use for inventions installed in them.
Voice; Their voice, according to most people, is annoying. It’s higher pitched, a bit squeaky, somehow seems constantly hoarse no matter how much water they drink, and the diction/tone/frequency/pitch- Whatever it is! Just seems to be constantly changing. Put simply, their voice is incredibly animated and dramatic.
Handwriting; Ha, you thought this would be legible, didn’t you?! As if! Hahaha! In all seriousness though, his handwriting changes. Sometimes it’s perfectly legible, other times it looks like a small child had picked up a pencil for the first time, and sometimes these changes happen every other word. He can still read it, and though he’d never tell, he does it on purpose. His signature, surprisingly, doesn’t change each time. Instead, every letter is done in a different style of writing. He’s quite proud of his system of writing, and tends to snicker to himself whenever he writes anything. Even if it’s something extremely serious.
Creative / Analytical / Extremely Intelligent / Workaholic / Self-Destructive / Maladjusted Extrovert / Crafty / Reserved / Delusional / Impatient / Anxiety / Happy-Go-Lucky / Self-Sacrificial / Childish / Forgetful(Unless repeated or habitual) / Daredevil / Secretive / Reckless / Disturbing Mind / Talkative / Determined / C-PTSD / Liberosis / Trusting / Tolerant / Overthinks / Hermit / Heart of Gold / Observant / Insecure / Troubled / Restless / Humorous / Friendly / Hallucinations / Selfless / Very Curious / No Impulse Control / Loyal / Blunt / Fidgety / Controversial / Self-Sabotage / Empathetic / Insomniac / Sensitive / Energetic / Awkward / Paranoid / Let’s Blow Things Up For Science! / Very Disorganized / Whimsical / Ambition / Adaptable / Mauerbauertraurigkeit / Abandonment Issues / Steadfast / Protective / Inventive / Absent-Minded / Emotional / Over-imaginative
Likes: Inventing, Learning, Academics, Fixing Stuff, Joking Around, Food, People, Reading, and Taking Risks.
Dislikes: Being Alone, Utter Silence, Large Crowds, Bright Light, Eating, Undivided Attention, Loud Noises, Pity, and Failure.
Strengths: Inventing/Engineering, Academics, Observant, Selfless, Intelligent, Predictions, Determined, Empathy, Steady, Ambitious, and Adaptable.
Weaknesses: Prone to Delusions and Hallucinations, Self-Destructive, Impulsive, Social Settings, Very Disorganized, Self-Conscious/Insecure, Sometimes Motor Functions, Absent-Minded, Anxiety, Impatient, and Extremely Curious.
Fears/Phobias; You think this guy is scared of anything? Haha, as if. Now why would you think that?.. Fine, he’s scared of things like every other living being. He’s very good at pretending not to be though too, and anything involving bodily harm really doesn’t fear him. Pain used to, but one of the chips in his brain solved that. Honestly, the only thing to say is losing friends or some social interactions. Oh, wait- And large crowds and public speaking to them! Just blow him up, please and thank you! Sometimes specific phobias do pop up, such as Haphephobia/Aphenphosmphobia.
Immune System; Other than the impaired immune system he has from everything else? It’s pretty good. He’s actually working on a chemical that should fix his immune system too anyways.
Allergies; Surprisingly, none.
Addictions; Blowing things up, ‘upgrading’ his body/organs/limbs? Does that stuff count?
Mental Health; C-PTSD, Depression, Insomnia, Anxiety, Schizoaffective Disorder, Derealization/Depersonalization, Psychosis, and Eating Disorders.
Physical Health; Sometimes they lose control of their finer motor functions. More than that, sometimes their legs give out on them.
Soul Disorder(s); Disconnected Soul and Irregular Soul, keeping watch for signs of a Fractured Soul per doctor’s orders. (And forgetting to do so)
Left/Right/Ambidextrous; Ambidextrous.
Teen Idle by MARINA.
O.D.D. by Hey Violet.
Stupid & Anxious by Sew Intricate.
Lagtrain (English) by Will Stetson.
Lost Umbrella (English) by Will Stetson.
TV Head by Elliot Lee.
Heat Waves by Glass Animals.
Pork Soda by Glass Animals.
All Eyes On Me by Bo Burnham.
Content by Bo Burnham.
Goodbye by Bo Burnham.
Look Who’s Inside Again by Bo Burnham.
Don’t Wanna Know by Bo Burnham.
All Time Low by Bo Burnham.
Any Day Now by Bo Burnham.
agoraphobic by CORPSE.
Anxiety Song by Human Petting Zoo.
Toxic Thoughts by Faith Marie.
Antidote by Faith Marie.
I Deserve to Bleed by Sushi Soucy.
Art Is Dead by Bo Burnham.
Villain by Wild Fire.
Medicine by Hollywood Undead.
Sarcasm by Get Scared.
Twisted by MISSIO.
Nightmare by Set It Off.
Upside Down by Elliot Lee.
Wonderland by Sounds Like Harmony.
NVM by Faith Marie.
A Little Messed Up by june.
Sanity by Unlike Pluto.
Losing My Mind by Mystery Skulls.
Circles by Kira & Rachie.
Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte.
Dig the Crazy by Faith Marie.
Poison by Cavetown.
Imaginary Friends by Grenon.
trapped in the thought of free by Faith Marie.
Villain Of My Own Story by Unlike Pluto.
Mistakes by Amanda Joy.
figure it out by Faith Marie.
Freak Show by Set It Off.
I’m Not Ok by Weathers.
Affiliations; TBD.
Inventor, Scientist, Weapon’s Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Cybernetic Engineer, and Mechanical Engineer.