
- Frostyhills24 - - Name - Frosty - Gender - Female (She/Her) - Rank/Role - Executioner - Personality - Independent, sadistic, and submissive in a relationship - Other - Her relationship with her father is the opposite of toxic, and he actually prefers her over her brothers. Since she is a female though by birth she is not allowed a free ticket to being the heir, but she is content where she lies right now. - Size - 50ft long - Name - Black Tourmaline - Gender - Male (He/Him) - Rank/Role - King of the Broken clan - Personality - Sadistic, Merciless - Other - The only one he ever shows compassion towards anymore is his only daughter. After his lifelong mate died, he became harsher with his sons. His daughter helped him pick up on the punishments of the boys because he couldn't run a clan and keep an eye on all of them at the same time. - Size - 150ft long Edited at October 31, 2022 06:42 PM by Frostyhills24

Name Sawa Gender Male(he/him) Rank Unhired Guard Personality Aggressive, protective,Alert,can be loyal Other Nothing Size 65 Ft from nose to tail -------------------------------------------------- Name Ocean view Gender Female(she/her) Age Youngling (5 to 6 in human years) Rank None(to Young) Other Abandoned by her parents as a hatchling for being to"ugly" to them Personality Friendly,kind,caring,playful, talktive,Can be shy Size 30ft Name Tire  Age Young Adult Gender Female Mate None Personality Unknown Height 86 FT Edited at October 25, 2022 10:09 AM by Lunar Eclipse

Frosty Pov - 1st Person A meeting was requested in the great hall, a part of the cave system that was lit by crystals that glowed; All of them were white, with only a few of them littering the roof of the cave. There was one perch other than mine, and that was where my father sat. I only had a perch because the executioner is basically the leader's right hand. So my perch made it look like I sat on his right shoulder right when you enter this section of the cave. I wasn't informed why this meeting was called, it had something to do with a Dragon Knight, or a group of Dragon Knights flying in during the early hours. The sun barely made it over the horizon when I looked just before the meeting. I had a suspicion someone was going to die because they would disrespect the king. I was made executioner for three reasons, my blue fire, my love for killing, and because it's the closest thing to being the heir. All dragons aren't affected by normal orange fire, but blue fire is the hottest and can even melt dragon scales. It was originally viewed as a defect, but after the power behind it was learned, it became a symbol of royalty. I was made executioner because I love death and because I am the favorite. Similar to my father I have little to no mercy, the only compassion I show is to the ones I love.

Sawas first person i would be walking into the great hall and I was not looking to happy as I didn't bother looking at anyone as I was that type of dragon that hated everyone. I never really hated the executioner. I mainly hated the king and queen because they would be very bossy and think they were above most dragons. I was called here as I had something to deal with the dragon knight that was flying around or so they thought, but I was ready to fight the king or I was hoping to

Frosty's POV - 1st Person All of a sudden I heard the clicking of claws against the cave floor, looked down and a male dragon had entered the room. He was black with green pieces here and there, but not bad as far as colors go. I glanced down at my father, he met my gaze and just nodded. It was a sign to smack my tail flat against the rock to make sure no one was dozing off and to catch everyone off guard. I smirked at how everyone jumped, you could see the slight grin on my father's face as well. He glanced at me again and gave a slight chuckle before looking at the male that had walked in. ---- (Might want to click the size reference link for an example of how large he is)

Sawas First person I looked up at the king and huffed and then looked over at his daughter who was a very pretty combo of colors. I then looked back at the king and then around the room trying to find a espace plan to fly off even if it would be pretty hard with chains on my legs tho I like having challenges. I saw a opening small enough for me to fit through. I truned to look at the king once more waiting for him to do something or his daughter to do something. Other then smacking her tail. I gave a slight murdereres smile to the king showing I wasn't afraid of much even if he was much larger then me. Tho I was still young so I might get bigger one day.

Frosty's Pov - 1st Person The entire thing wasn't sitting well with me, I couldn't sit still. I kept a straight face, but my body language was clear. At one point I just stood my ground ready to charge my fire and blast with accuracy at any moment. All I would have to do is open my mouth, my head has lowered any everything. "I am King Black but you may call me Black if you wish, what is your name stranger, and why are you here?" My father asked sounding friendly, he may be a merciless leader but he was a logical one. Logical but merciless is easily a deadly combo, and when given power a deadly one. It's no wonder he grew so old and so large, he knows what he is doing. I admire him for working his way up to where he is now, he used to be just a lone dragon after all. I waited for a response back, ready to fire if needed still. I debated for a bit, then decided it would be best to go off with a warning shot to just knock him down or knock him back a bit. It would give the guards time to react.

Sawas first person i didn't respond to him for abit but I thought to myself for abit"My Name is Sawa and I am here looking for a job as a gurad"I tryed my best to sound friendly but i still sounded kinda rude in a way. I look back the daughter and gave her the smile I gave the king"and I do have a Posion breathe, and my spikes if you touch them, they can slowly fill your body with Posion"I smiled once again this time with a insane one Edited at October 17, 2022 10:10 AM by Lunar Eclipse

Frosty's Pov - 1st Person The male named Sawa smiled directly at me, I backed up a bit confused. No dragon really ever smiled at me, normally nervously glancing. “Hmmm,” my father said thinking “It would be great to have a new addition with such abilities to the guards. I do not oppose the idea, but the rank of guard you will be assigned is to be decided after an assessment of your abilities.” Out of nowhere a dragon on the council started snoring, a sign they were not paying attention and disrespecting everyone in the room. I looked at my father and he met my eyes, I opened my mouth and it glowed slowly producing the blue flame that can actually kill. I sent it, and he broke into flames and started screeching and screaming. The guards tried to usher him away from everything else that could catch fire, but they couldn’t get close and he started to approach my father. Before the coil gets any closer I swooped down and knocked the larger male back, forcing him into the center of the room in front of Sawa. He curled up in a ball and slowly his melting scales burned through his body and he was just a mess, eventually turning to a rock-hard liquid of messed up scales and ashes. I quickly went back to my perch and re-arranged myself. “Ah yes how rude of me, this is Frosty, my oldest and my only daughter. She is not the heir due to tradition, which unfortunately fell to her lesser brothers,” he said and I smirked as the heir, who had just walked in late to the meeting, arrived and saw the puddle on the floor. He looked up at me horrified and I faked jumping at him and he ran out of the room. My father facepalmed with his wing at his son’s cowardly behavior He was the oldest boy, but probably the biggest disappointment, he liked to brag and was snotty. ---- (I found some free time in the day)

Sawa first person i laughed at the pile of ashes and hard led liquid and then my spikes shot up showing them fully and they were sharp enough to cut through the toughest of scales as I look at the ceiling above of me and charge my Posion breathe which when I let out it shot up above me very fast and went through the ceiling with ease asy Posion breathe stopped as the Posion dropped down from it"you can feel the spikes aslong as you don't touch the sharp part, and I love seeing death"he smiled