
Work In Progress Plot: Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Role or Rank: Kin: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: Edited at March 23, 2022 06:45 AM by Bellaluna

Character Sheet: Name: Xanadu Age: 2 years, 4 months Gender: Male Appearance: Xanadu has a rich tawny coat and his legs have some darker colored mottling. His eyes are a deep brown and look almost black in low lighting. He has larger paws for his age and is training to build up some muscle. His mane has not yet fully come out as he is still young, but when it does, it will be a magnificent kaleidoscope of brown, black, and red, with a tinge of blonde. For now, his mane is a small ruff around his broad neck. Personality: Xanadu has the persona of a big tough guy. His exterior is hard and cold and not too many lions can manage to get him to be open or relax. The only lion that he is intimidated by is his father, Ghazi. Being the only son of the king of the Red Cliff Pride, there is a lot of pressure on Xanadu to be the best he can be and it makes him quite moody at times. He doesn't really care to associate or have relationships within his pride and he prefers to be alone. Role or Rank: Adolescent, son of Ghazi, king of Red Cliff pride Kin: Ghazi - father, Khaleesi - mother, Jinari - sister Likes: Hunting Patrolling Sparring Exploring Dislikes: Other adolescents Being teased Disrespect Strengths: Good fighter Keen eyesight Weaknesses: Endurance Stalking Other: None Edited at March 24, 2022 10:34 PM by Bellaluna

Amara Female 2 years Adolescent Amara is average build and weight, though still growing. She is on the lighter end and still has a few spots on her legs that are fading. She has blue eyes. Amara doesn't know who her father is since he was killed when she was too young to remember by the new king. Her brothers are all dead, and she's the only one alive from her litter. Her mother left the pride when Amara was old enough to not need her and is now unknown as the pride is forbidden from talking about members who left. ~~~ The male who took over Amara's pride is named Kyro, and refuses to let the pride have a name since it wouldn't have been picked by him. ~~~ Amara likes to be away from the rest of the pride, often just exploring the territory alone. With the hew male in charge, she's just not happy being in the camp. The young female does like to swim and hunt ~~~ She hates the "king" of her pride, and refuses to call him one. She hates her other pridemates for allowing him to stay there, but she has no way to leave without starving on her own ~~~ She sucks at fighting, and is still learning with the hunting, but she's pretty good with stalking. Edited at March 25, 2022 06:15 PM by saratank

Character Sheet: Name: Ghost Age: 7 years, 6 months Gender: Female Appearance: Ghost is average size for a female lion. Her coat is lighter than most with a grayish tint. Her eyes are two different colors, one brown, one blue. Her fur is short and slick, like satin, with her ears and tail being a bit more fluffy. She does have some scarring from her exploits as a loner. Most notably is the scar on her face that begins in the corner of her left eye and trails across her nose, ending at the corner of her mouth. Personality: Ghost can be seen as cold or harsh at first, but she really has a soft heart. Loner life is not easy and it has forged her into a strong and independent lioness. She lives by a certain code of ethics and you will find her to be extremely loyal and just. She is very sage and may at times seem scholarly. She has a mysterious aura and a way with words that makes some perplexed with the meanings of her speech. Role or Rank: Loner, she was once a Pride lion, but no one really knows her story. Rumor has it, she was once a Queen. Kin: Unknown Likes: Hunting Rain Baby animals Dislikes: Cruelty Selfish behavior Heat Strengths: Camouflage Stalking Hearing Patience Weaknesses: Moderate loss of smell One foreleg is shorter than the other Other: May have some interesting NPC friends Edited at March 25, 2022 12:34 PM by Bellaluna

Zypher Male King of Amara's pride 7 years old Pitch black mane with brown eyes, on the bluky end and covered in scars. He is a little taller than most males, but is far from being the tallest out there. He doesnt let anyone close to him on anything, thinking they will use it against him. (Just to have that there for when he's needed)

Kaya 3 years old Female Lioness of Red cliff Pride Average height, build, color, though she does have Hazel eyes