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Welcome to Crafter's Corner! Here you can buy crafted items or order special items for yourself or your pets.
Kansua uses she/they pronouns

When you enter the tent, the small cat on the counter stands and streches, before happily rising to sit and face you, her tail flicking from side to side.
"Hello! What can I get for you today?"
She gestures to the items on her counter and on the wall behind her.
Kansua's Shop
Water Canteen - 1 pinecone
Jerky Bag - 1 pinecone
Small Nets(3) - 5 pinecones
Medium Nets(3) - 10 pinecones
Large Nets(3) - 15 pinecones
Netgun - 25 pinecones
Netgun Nets(10) - 10 pinecones
Snare - 10 pinecones
Large Snare - 15 pinecones
Iron Cage - 15 pinecones
-Kansua's Pet Kibble-
Nothing Here Yet
But she'll take fish that you're not using and make somethinf special for your friend!
She flicks her tail and smiles at you again, a purr rumbling from her throat.
"I can also craft special items for you if you find me recipes left by other craftsmen in the Rotten Forest. Just keep an eye out!"