
Hi, I'm trying to collect a list of roleplay characters that aren't good for people to play as, like the Mary Sues, Edgy Edgars, and such. Thing is is that I can only think of those two. What other bad RP stereotypes can y'all think of?


That guy. You know what I mean, right?

I don't know if they have a name or not but the people who refuse to interact with anyone but then cry that people don't talk to them

This kind of falls under mary sue... but the people whos character is constantly getting hurt and somehow always make the attention/drama about them

i don't know if any of these have Proper Names but these are common chars I find annoying -ones that only interact with characters they find attractive and ignore all other interactions -this one is specific but I see it often: when there's a world with a rampant oppression problem, but every character in power is secretly good and doesn't agree with the system they are literally ruling over and enforcing. -overly sensitive or overly aggressive characters. basically characters who are full adults but have the emotional regulation of a toddler. -sassy girlbossing ones ,,, i don't know how else to explain it but yknow when someone wants their OC to be a baddie, but in reality they're just insufferable? those ones. -characters who are put in settings that do not match them at all. Ex- Literal supermodel appearance described for a gritty apocolaypse RP, or edgy serial killer shoved in a rp about your typical high school. Edited at September 22, 2023 11:19 PM by Salt Shaker

-Characters with contrasting personalities, eg; A coward, then a few lines down, Protective -Gary stus, same thing as Mary Sues except for male ocs -Unrealistic appearances in realistic rps.

- The character that says their introduction and dips without explanation, clearly online and has clearly been engaged but just never posts ever again. - The character that is flat as paper when it comes to any emotion. Always happy, never developed any other emotions, always depressed and broody, etc. vice versa for the character that can't keep their personality straight for two entire sentences.