
I have something important to say. I might have to (temporarily) cancel this roleplay, but all of your reserved spots and characters will stay the same (unless you wish to take your characters out) until the roleplay can begin. Sorry about this! I assure you this is only temporary.

There are three packs that have to battle for survival during the harsh winters.... The first one is Cliff Pack. They live on the edge of a cliff, making their homes in small dens in the rock. The animal that they encounter most are bears. Their prey consists of mostly squirrels and the occasional mountain goat. Cliff Pack's wolves are known for their bravery and courage. The second one is Ice Pack. They live out in the open, in the harsh wind and snow. Because of this, Ice Pack's wolves have adapted to have thicker fur than the wolves of the other packs. The animals that they encounter most are foxes. Their prey is mostly rabbits and voles. They are known for their intelligence and quick thinking. The third is Savage Pack. Savage Pack lives in underground tunnels, and they only leave the tunnels to hunt. Savage Pack is very different from the other two packs because of their bloodthirsty ways. Death and chaos is always happening in the Savage Pack, and they are rumored to be heartless. The three packs must fight for their survival during the times when food is scarce. Which pack will survive? (more to the description coming soon!) This is a semi-literate roleplay!!! This is also my first time roleplaying so I'm not really good at it yet ;) Edited at December 23, 2022 10:53 AM by DarkAbyss

Here's what you have to fill in. Wolf's Name: Gender: Pack: Rank: Wanted Rank (optional): Age: Physical Appearance: Personality: Siblings (optional): Crush (optional): Mate (optional): Pups (optional):

Ranks: (please pm me with the rank that you want and the name of the wolf that you want to have it, I will reserve that rank for you) Cliff Pack Alpha Male - Midnight Alpha Female - Silver Beta - Hondo Hunters - Dusk, Brute, Open Fighters -Open Healer - Open Omega - Open Pups - Lily, Open Nursery Helpers (looks after pups) - Open Ice Pack Alpha Male - Frost Alpha Female - No (there is only one alpha in Ice Pack) Beta - Chase Hunters - Laan, Open Fighters - Open Healer - Open Omega - Mist Pups - Open Nursery Helpers - Open Savage Pack Alpha Male - Timber Alpha Female - Fire Beta - Open Hunters - Shadow - Open Fighters - Open Healer - Open Omega - Open Pups - Open Nursery Helpers - Open Edited at March 28, 2023 04:43 PM by StarryNight

Wolf's Name: Silver Gender: Female Pack: Cliff Pack Rank: Alpha Female Wanted Rank: - Age: 5 years Physical Appearance: Silver is small and short but she has a thicker, heavier build. She has a very short, round snout that is covered with bruises and scratches. She has many scars from the battles that she has been through and part of her left ear is torn. The colour of her eyes is an uncommon silvery-gray, just like the colour of her fur. Personality: Silver doesn't trust anyone easily except for the wolves that she knows very well, so she may appear hostile and standoffish when she is meeting someone for the first time. She takes time before making big decisions, as she likes to think things through first. Silver is not usually an overly talkative wolf unless she has something important to say. She is devoted to leading her pack and helping them to survive the harsh, cold winters. Siblings: None that are living Crush: None Mate: Alpha male Pups: None at the moment (adding way more to this when I have more time) Edited at December 24, 2022 11:07 AM by DarkAbyss

Wolf's Name: Frost Gender: Male Pack: Ice Pack Wanted Rank: - Age: 7 years Physical Appearance: Frost is an average size and build, with a very distinctive long, pointed snout that has flecks of black. His white fur is long and thick, protecting him from the winter cold. He has very large, round eyes that are a very dull grayish brown. He walks with a slight limp due to injuries he has suffered from battles. Personality: Frost is usually pretty calm and easygoing. However, he will not hesitate to discipline rulebreakers. He likes to be in charge and stick to a certain set of rules. But the thing he cares most about is his pack. He is a very determined and loyal wolf. Siblings: None Crush: None Mate: None Pups: None Edited at December 23, 2022 12:25 PM by DarkAbyss


Which spot do you want? CanisLupus said: Can I reserve a spot?
Edited at December 23, 2022 10:57 AM by DarkAbyss

A lot of spots still open! Edited at December 23, 2022 12:32 PM by DarkAbyss

Wolf's Name: Dusk Gender: Male Pack: Cliff Pack Wanted Rank: Hunter Age: 11 years Physical Appearance: Dusk is a lanky, thin wolf with a brown pelt. His back is black and it's speckled with white flecks. His sister used to joke that he should have been named Snowflake instead. His chest is a lighter brown, and his muzzle is gray with age. His eyes are the color of clear ice. Personality: Dusk is an older wolf who loves hanging out with the pups of the pack. He's particularly fond of telling them stories, especially the one about his first group hunt when they took down a mountain goat. Despite his older age, Dusk is still a great hunter, especially when it comes to squirrels. However, when he's part of a group and hunting mountain goats, he sticks to herding the goat toward the other pack members instead of lunging for the killing bite. In the pack, he's confident and friendly. However, when someone confronts him about a problem, he tends to get uncomfortable, apologizing even when he didn't do anything wrong. He's very defensive of the pups, and sometimes he keeps them from learning proper pack etiquette because he says, "Don't be too hard on the little scraps. They were only playing around. They didn't mean any harm." He tends to inwardly criticize and judge the alphas for their youth, even if they are experienced. He's humble and follows orders, but he's also carefree and enjoys doing his own thing. Siblings: Twig (deceased sister/died of old age) Crush: None Mate: OPEN Pups: OPEN Please PM/Quote me if you want to fill the open slots. Pups don't have to be actual youth. I would actually prefer them to be older, considering Dusk's age. Edited at December 23, 2022 07:54 PM by Mountain Edge