An esteemed daughter of Valkyrie. With her angelic aura and fierce personality, Phantasm is a perfect heir to Valkyrie. Her mystic features give her the perfect look. She's not talented in battling or wisdom, but she is a social wolf at heart.
Daughter of Guinness, the most prolific wolf in Distant Lands. Guinevere is a melanistic wolf with a strong aura of pride and confidence. She has a strong connection to the afterlife and is skilled with battling. Her agility combined with her stealth makes her an optimal battle wolf.
Guinness, one of only two Gaelic Blood/Melanistic wolves in the game. A treasured wolf in the mystic Distant Lands pack. With all of his skills and talents, Guinness can only be described as stunning. With his perceptive demeanor and high dominance, not much slips past this majestic sire to many.
Retrospect, a feared battle wolf, carries a strong and dominant essence. With her agility, luck, and maternal, she is a perfect mother. In terms of dominance, this fine wolf leads with such confidence that even Hell itself quakes in her presence.
An elusive daughter of Lady Corvid, Enigma strives to become what her mother never was - the best explorer in all of Distant Lands. With her experience and training, she is close to her lifetime goal. Despite her low dominance, her stealth, battle, agility, and spiritually will wow you off your paws.
- I charged 25 mush for these all combined + they had typically a one sentence prompt
1899 said:
Lost Rune and Twisted Ruins bios. I did those. For wolf bio examples, I'll have to pull them from when I sent them. I'll have them in a second
Dawnforest said:
Do you have examples?