Flamey, Do not- no- I will smack you with a newspaper Do not shit talk your art Not allowed
Flamey- Nu your probably better than me XD
fire- hmm id have to see your art black- but i like newspaper-
But like I can only do scenes and some animals
thats good, im not the best at animals, but im pretty good at human men Not woomens though-
I'm even worse at humans XD
i just cant g r a s p the woman concept- all of my wooomans look ery loving and kind like sterotypical movie moms and i dont want them to be. the only female i can draw is undyne from undertale but she was my gay awakening (wait- i identify as male but im really a gal so is that still gay????)
I dunno if you date womens and are a women you is gay- same with two dudes. And den even if your trans I'd still think that's gay- I dunno lol
its a lot to gay i mean think about- i am officially angry at forums for logging me out when i posted my art contest *smacks forum*
Blackburne! Blackburne! :DDDD you can't crush my hopes and dreams anymore!!!! :3 guess why!!!! We (the lightbringers) just won the lightbringers Vs darkseekers game! :p ![](https://i.postimg.cc/KzTHfJvh/2-F654-E26-C032-4-A71-B69-A-DCD788178803.png) I mean Atleast for now until someone restarts it Edited at June 21, 2022 11:01 AM by Firefox