Xeno said:
I've actually been to Pennsylvania before. Kinda cool compared to the usual Germany and Ireland!
And, Desti. Your life sounds quite hectic. Have you ever gone back to Asia? Like, for family or anything? Just wondering. If you're uncomfortable talking about it then, by all means, ignore me lol.
Another question for the mods;
What kind of music are y'all in to?
I haven't gone back since we moved here, but if my health ever gets to a place I'd be able to manage and had the money to afford plane tickets, I think it'd be really cool to go and visit those places, or at least Thailand(since I was born there).
Though it wouldn't be to visit family ^^' I'm not actually Asian, my mom is Norwegian and my father is from Germany, but he's got around 1/3 russian blood.
My Mom had been living in different countries throughout Asia many years before my Dad arrived in Thailand. She was a nurse and missionary in a refugee camp, in Thailand, that many Cambodians fled to while some cruel dictator was In power in Cambodia.
My dad was brought to Cambodia, by the people in charge of the refugee camps, to help close down their camps after the dictator in Cambodia was overthrown, which was the same refugee camp my Mom was working at.
They got married a little over a year after they met, both of them where in their early forties(my dad was almost 41 and my Mom had recently turned 41 if I remember correctly) and I was born about a year later.
They had moved to Cambodia sometime after the refugee camps closed, but went to Thailand when it was time for me to be born because they had a more advanced hospital at that time that had more technology as far as to help mothers give birth to their children.
If you have other questions related to this moving to pms may be easier, just to make sure answering them wouldn't cause other users questions to possibly get pushed back in the thread.
If you have more though, I'm perfectly fine answering them.
A Light in the Dark said:
Did any of you have usernames before your current ones? I know already that Aven was "Aventura" or something, but if you did have a username before your current one, are you comfortable sharing it?
I had a ton, in all honesty.
My name I joined with was either Rushing River or Rushing Waters.
From there I practically changed my username monthly before changing to the name I have now in late October 2014.
After the first it was Shadowed Secrets, then it was to a name I can't remember. After those three I went through multiple names with the word Dragon in it, but I can't remember them all.
Dragon's Promise was the last before Destinations End, if I remember correctly. Dragon's Hope, or Dragon's Faith, was one of the names with Dragon in it, I think another was Dragon's Betrayal, or something along those lines. And there might of been another.
After a long time with this username, I changed it to rømmer steds, which translates to Escaping Somewhere, but at that time I was using it to what the two words translate into on their own; Escaping Nowhere, in Norwegian.
If I where to reuse rømmer steds, I'd be using it as both ways of translating. (However I'm not 100% if the words translate into both ways, as I had used a translator program. However when I first used rømmer steds, it never showed Escaping Somewhere as it's English translation. Could be because I rechecked it just now with a different translation program, and sometimes different programs have slight different translations)
But after a month or two I changed it back to Destinations End.
At the end of October this year, this will have been my username for four years, minus the month or two I used Rømmer steds