Literally the title.
I literally have like 15 OCs named "TBN" right now, please help :')
If you suggest a name that I like I will send you a couple mush. There is no limit to how many names you can suggest, but just be aware that I might steal some of them and save them for later.
for the sake of simplicity, I'll give my OCs numbers:
1. Link - probably a smug, proud (almost arrogant) guy lmao
2. Link - originally was a toy, turned life-size and brought to life by magic
3. Link
4. Link - some sort of demon i guess
5. Link
6. Link - double agent, traitor, or spy in my universe; definitely engaged in some shady business
7. Link - a keeper of the peace, kind soul who tries their hardest to do the right thing - NAMED ALREADY
more to come soon lmao
Note: I love rare and fancy names :D