Vennenum said:
^ the wedding things still happen on and off, though definitely not as frequently as it used to.
Palettes were the best thing ever invented. I like changing up my style occasionally. Watch as I stick with this palette for the next two years before I make another one. lol
Talents are another thing I'm fond of. I don't recall how they came about, but not having to spend all that mush filling up on CP? I'm all for cheaper investments.
Apples used to be around 30 mush, and pups used to be 300 mush. Too many apples, but not enough pups. There just wasn't a whole lot of explore encounters we could get mush from back then. Now it's the other way around. Could've made a a huge profit if I'd kept my apples from back then, but hey, that husky pelt when it came out was more important.
I liked when we didn't have a rarity system. Now everyone obsesses about it. Most desireable wolves nowadays seem to have been run through a Color Run marathon before being tossed into a car wash. But hey, whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Couldn't agree more with venn.
there wasn't a 'paws up' there was rating pack dens 1-5 which was hella hectic so got changed lol.
for quite a while it wa just swamp/forest terrains and then jungle was added and quite a bit after that the rest. Apple prices are what I miss most, lol we didn't have all these items that increased your chances at breeding decent wolves so now that everyone can stack their pregnant females with all these items better and more 'desirable' wolves at being bred more often so therefore the value of wolves has significantly decreased which is a shame and kinda dragged the market down.
also I remember when melas came out and they were selling for like 100 apples xD
it also used to be 14+ not 16+ so the community was a lot bigger (and a lot more dramatic)
there never used to be monthly events as well.
also i much more prefer having the forums on this game rather than it taking you off to a different website with a separate login and everything :')
honestly feel like I could ramble for days xD