
Just for whenever I need characters that need a name :D some I will give you a theme I want others go crazy ... Characters that need names . . TBN - darkness, shadow, time, glow names maybe go crazy ... More will be added and removed thanks to anyone who helps :D Edited at May 5, 2022 06:02 PM by Lost_Griffin

for night/stars- Astra-Atsro poison- Amber (less known fact amber is considereda toxic stone) Onyx Ivy Nature- Moon/Luna Sage Delilah Kai(means sea) Wolf (bcuz who doesn't love a wolf on this site :) (; lolz)

(star theme) Andromeda, Segue(Segue 2 most lightweight galaxy discovered) (poison theme) Aconitine, Botulinum, Strychnine (nature theme) Vertumnus, Oleander (might edit and add to this list later) Edited at April 30, 2022 06:26 PM by Cadaver

Astro is nice will consider it . Sage is cool will consider it thank you <3 .... I love Thamyris and Percival thank you they just sound so nice thank you :D Edited at April 25, 2022 10:04 PM by Lost_Griffin

Night/star names Milky way Galaxy Cosmos Galatica

Cosmos is perfect thank you :D

2: Vines, Elm/Elmer, Iven 3: Halos, Medrune, Halorune

Nature themed names: Autumn Leaf Forest Bark Poison themed names: Radioactive plasma for the last one, first name that popped into my head was Hazel

Plasma is perfect thank you :D

I'm not too great with names. But perhaps for the witch one, you could try looking up herbs / potion ingredients?
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