Midnight The whistle increases the chance of catching a bird right after it's blown. You need some bait from your boat first.
Dawn You come to another empty room with no birds. It takes a minute, but you find where more inscriptions are written eventually. Would you like me to send you translations of these automatically as you come across them? Backpack: 4/5 ( rabbit container [1/3], notes, ring, machete) Boat: 7/10 (Falconry Equipment, hunter's guide, boat lantern, cage, drone, seed container [1/3], binoculars ) Choose one of the following actions: There are no birds in your current room. Each room of the cave will have no birds or one species of bird exclusively. Use item: Nothing is currently usable. You may use one item unless it must be used with another item, such as the cage must be used with bait. Move: north, east, west are open. You may move in one of these directions. Exchange items from boat to backpack or vice versa: You may switch items between your backpack and the boat, because you have a boat lantern and can find your way back. Return to boat following lantern: return to and stayat your boat, unlike the previous option which returns you to your current square. Discard items: You may discard any item. It will no longer be usable. Previous Adventurer’s Notes are depleted. You can discard this item to free up space in your backpack without losing anything important. Read the inscriptions: use your ring to see what the wall says. Revealed through pms. Return to the cave entrance
Yes please send the translations to me automatically.
Dawn You nod, understanding the notes left by someone who visited before you. You follow the instructions left for you. A larger cavern stands before you, glowing all the more brightly. The colors are bright and bold. A woosh buzzes over your head, and the rustle of feathers turns out to be an eagle. It lands in front of you. You study it and realize it's so much more than an ordinary eagle. Backpack: 4/5 ( rabbit container [1/3], notes, ring, machete) Boat: 7/10 (Falconry Equipment, hunter's guide, boat lantern, cage, drone, seed container [1/3], binoculars ) Choose one of the following actions: Use item: Rabbit bait is currently usable. You may use one item unless it must be used with another item, such as the cage must be used with bait. Move: north, east, west are open. You may move in one of these directions. Exchange items from boat to backpack or vice versa: You may switch items between your backpack and the boat, because you have a boat lantern and can find your way back. Return to boat following lantern: return to and stayat your boat, unlike the previous option which returns you to your current square. Discard items: You may discard any item. It will no longer be usable. Previous Adventurer’s Notes are depleted. You can discard this item to free up space in your backpack without losing anything important. Read the inscriptions: use your ring to see what the wall says. Revealed through pms. Return to the cave entrance
Dawn You toss a rabbit towards the huge, gorgeous bird. It looks you in the eye, it's own eyes shining with the glow of its surroundings. Then, it steps forward and snags the bait. A little horrendously for being such a meajestic creature, it gulps it down in one bite. Then it steps closer and closer, finally resting right next to you. It places its head against you. Congratulations! You have caught a cave eagle! Choose one of the following actions: You need more bait to continue. You may either return to the boat and refil your backpack with whatever items you want; return to the boat and stay there, leaving the cave behind; or end your story here. Edited at January 11, 2024 08:58 PM by Wolves of Kirsuk
Okay. I will then get the rabbit container, and then use the whistle.