
Game Moderator Neutral
Alright so the pack is shown to the dens by Sable. Does the pack pick a burrow, dens or start digging? I'm aware they are going to be mobing into Redwoods but I'm just trying to understand if it's pick a den, burrow or dig in the Fields?
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I say to make it easier pick a den/burrow. It will be cramped but enough to keep dry from the rain

Welp I slept in Once I get access to my computer I'll write one for the two of mine
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Mind if Lidiya goes and does her own thing for a bit? She's just going to wander around and get soaked If you'd prefer for her to just reluctantly follow Merlin's orders for once I can edit it. But it'd be her preference to just go out and see if she could find someone to talk to that she mildly likes
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Yea. It can't be Anubis as I have a plan for him. But as long it doesn't cause any dangers our threats that you have come out of nowhere. If you just want to have her do her own thing and create friendships and talk. Go ahead

Alrighty Yeah it won't be any of yours because you've got the thingy planned for tonight But we'll see, she doesn't entirely want to follow Merlin's order to not go out at the moment
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Alright. I know Reaper has their essay due on Monday. I just need a small post from them when they got the time and I will get my plan in motion. Everyone else can interact with your characters. Merlin is open. Not doji or Anubis for the plan. But interact or whatever (no dangers or anything happening to your characters)

I will throw a post down after a very important thing. Bacon.

Are we skipping to the next day soon, or are we waiting a bit? I wanted to check because if we’re moving on soon, I didn’t want to start a conversation or write something that might delay that :) Edited at November 9, 2024 01:22 PM by Onyxbite

Onyxbite said: Are we skipping to the next day soon, or are we waiting a bit? I wanted to check because if we’re moving on soon, I didn’t want to start a conversation or write something that might delay that :)
You can start a conversation. I have a plan for my characters for this night. Plus I'll be busy all day tomorrow and a few players Boe and I know Reaper has a essay due On Monday.