
Is there someone Ambrose needs to pay attention to? I know Mayo needs attention indirectly but has Ambrose been mentioned enough for it to matter a lot what Ambrose is doing? ~ Side note: ....someone please get mad at me for having another idea 😭 It just sounded so appealing and I had been thinking about this situation for years now-
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Dude I hate getting mad at people but I can try? I'll hear you out on the idea first though just cause I am curious what you have in mind...

I shall PM you the base plot... one sec
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I mean, the more RPs the better. I kinda want to hear your idea too.


Mayo needs attention, always <3 Salem said: Is there someone Ambrose needs to pay attention to? I know Mayo needs attention indirectly but has Ambrose been mentioned enough for it to matter a lot what Ambrose is doing? ~ Side note: ....someone please get mad at me for having another idea 😭 It just sounded so appealing and I had been thinking about this situation for years now-

Salem said: Is there someone Ambrose needs to pay attention to? I know Mayo needs attention indirectly but has Ambrose been mentioned enough for it to matter a lot what Ambrose is doing? ~ Side note: ....someone please get mad at me for having another idea 😭 It just sounded so appealing and I had been thinking about this situation for years now-
>> Well shoot now I gotta know
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Gonna type my response from Sybil tonight. Speaking of Sybil- girl needs some more dynamics / relationships!! I want to flesh her out with some of the other humans a bit more 🫶
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Oh, did I not contact you for character relationships with Sybil? I'm so scatterbrained, sorry. I can PM you later or you can PM me.

Freedom said: Oh, did I not contact you for character relationships with Sybil? I'm so scatterbrained, sorry. I can PM you later or you can PM me.
Oop- I don't remember 😭 I don't think so? If you did it might've been when I was sick sorry!! TT
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